spiceqa / autotest

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rv_connect.py: Prevent killing remote_viewer after test finish #25

Closed vehrlich closed 11 years ago

vehrlich commented 11 years ago

There was a bug which caused gnome-session kill after the test ends. This caused that remote-viewer was killed too. NOHUP had no influence to change this behavior. DISOWN gnome-session and remote-viewer processes works time to time.

This patch removes get_pid() method which was needed for disown gnome-session and remote-viewer process. And adds disown -ar to all processes running on VM.

After that remote-viewer is running and it's possible to call for example rv_disconnect test.

Signed-off-by: Vaclav Ehrlich vehrlich@redhat.com

krcmarik commented 11 years ago

Accepted by upstream and pushed to next on autotest, Thanks.