spiceqa / autotest

Autotest - Fully automated tests on Linux
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smartcard test #8

Closed lkocman closed 10 years ago

lkocman commented 12 years ago

Test the smartcard remoting feature.

automate testing the usage of file based certificates on the client, as explained http://spice-space.org/page/SmartcardUsage.

Overview: launch test vm with spicevmc, usb-ccid, ccid-card-passthru create a number of certificates launch spice-gtk client (it has python wrapping, so can be done directly from the autotest-kvm client process) giving it those certificates list certificates in vm, verify match use certificates in vm to authenticate to sometihng using them.

lkocman commented 12 years ago

Upstream: https://github.com/autotest/autotest/issues/161

lkocman commented 12 years ago

Might depend on Issue #2 if any remote-viewer menu item needs to be clicked ...