My working / reasoning for each classname is below if you care to read it
original -> surrounding identifier -> new
.main-entityHeader-backgroundColor -> .main-entityHeader-container > div:nth-child(1), .main-entityHeader-container > div:nth-child(2) !! first classname only, second is "main-entityHeader-overlay" !! -> .PeLrpasyfBW8ql_bmoAi
.main-actionBarBackground-background -> .playlist-playlist-playlistContent > div:first-of-type -> .PkOz5g82CaoKk1J3GX0e
.main-entityHeader-background -> .comfy-banner-frame + div > div !! the first classname on both divs the second is "main-entityHeader-gradient" for the first div and "main-entityHeader-overlay" for the second !! -> i_kMOBXfnweAkv8s97Yc
main-entityHeader-gradient -> .sv5suqIPUwjgUF_BzM41
main-entityHeader-overlay -> .I0bVSxvqA3rm5HvciMap
.main-entityHeader-overlay -> .main-entityHeader-container > div:nth-child(2) !! second classname !! -> .yhlH4Dsjqw56Z58EOwvQ
My working / reasoning for each classname is below if you care to read it
original -> surrounding identifier -> new