spiegelp / MaterialDesignExtensions

Material Design Extensions is based on Material Design in XAML Toolkit to provide additional controls and features for WPF apps
MIT License
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TabStripPlacement proerty of TabControl doesn't work #48

Closed Awsmolak closed 5 years ago

Awsmolak commented 5 years ago

The TabStripPlacement property doesn't seem to work. This prevents you from using tabs on the bottom, left or right.

michaldivis commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing the same problem.

Awsmolak commented 5 years ago

I implemented a fix...seems to work alright.

@michaldivis I'll fork the project and do a pull request. That way you can use it. I'll post a link when I have it up.

Awsmolak commented 5 years ago

This works:

michaldivis commented 5 years ago

@Awsmolak thank you, sir!

spiegelp commented 5 years ago

solved with pull request #49