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RFC: SEV SNP Node Attestation Plugin #4469

Closed aembrito closed 7 months ago

aembrito commented 1 year ago

RFC: SEV SNP Node Attestation Plugin


This document defines the AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP) Node Attestation Plugin for SPIRE. The plugin provides a mechanism for verifying the identity of SEV-SNP-enabled Virtual Machines (VMs) by leveraging the hardware-based attestation capabilities of the AMD SEV-SNP processor. The document provides detailed specifications for the plugin, including its workflow, threat model, and description of its chain of trust. It also describes the security considerations and deployment scenarios for the plugin.



AMD SEV-SNP (Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Scalable Nested Paging) is a set of hardware-based security features designed to enhance the security of virtualized environments [4]. It extends both the AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) technology, which provides hardware-based memory encryption for VMs to isolate them from the hypervisor [1], and SEV-Encrypted State (SEV-ES), which adds additional protection for CPU register state as an extension of SEV [3].

The main difference between AMD SEV/SEV-ES and AMD SEV-SNP is the strong memory integrity protection present on SEV-SNP that helps prevent malicious hypervisor-based attacks, such as data replay and memory re-mapping. The fundamental concept behind SEV-SNP integrity is that whenever a VM accesses an encrypted memory page, it must retrieve the value it previously wrote. If it reads a different value, an exception must be thrown [4].

Threat Model for AMD SEV-SNP Confidential VMs

The threat model for Confidential Computing assumes a highly powerful attacker with privileges to access and manipulate all software layers of the infrastructure, including the operating systems, hypervisors, and cloud computing platforms where confidential workloads are running. Regarding the host machine and its software stack, the attacker may be able to steal cryptographic keys and sensitive data, modify application code or binaries, and launch various types of attacks, such as side-channel attacks. [4]

Under SEV-SNP, as with SEV and SEV-ES, the AMD System-On-Chip (SoC) hardware, the AMD Secure Processor (AMD-SP), and the VM itself are all treated as fully trusted, while all other CPU software components, PCI devices, and operators of these are treated as entirely untrusted. This includes the BIOS on the host system, the hypervisor, device drivers, and other VMs. This means that these components are assumed to be malicious, potentially conspiring with other untrusted components to compromise the security guarantees of a SEV-SNP VM.

Threat Model

(Figure from [4])

To enable third parties to have confidence in the VM's state, the SEV-SNP provides a mechanism to attest integrity of the VM's and its environment (confirming it is indeed a AMD SEV-SNP VM). This is done by generating an Attestation Report that reflects the VM's context, including policy information and measurements taken by the AMD-SP during launch. Through measurement hashes in the Attestation Reports, third parties can verify, for example, if the VM has been launched with the expected state (e.g., a specific version of Linux Kernel, the expected Initramfs that includes disk integrity mechanisms). In addition, other information in the Attestation Report reflect other configuration options, for example, if this VM is allowed to run in debug mode. These Attestation Reports are described next.

Chain of Trust

To build a chain of trust between the AMD-SP and the guest VM that remote parties can validate, the AMD-SP provides a protected path through which the guest VM can request Attestation Reports on their behalf at any time. When the guest asks for a report, it supplies 512 bits of arbitrary data to be included in the report. The resulting report will contain this data alongside identity information about the guest and the host where it is running. The report can be signed by a Versioned Chip Endorsement Key (VCEK), an attestation signing key derived from chip-unique secrets, and a TCB (Trusted Computing Base) version, signed by the AMD Root Keys and kept inside the AMD-SP with no access by users. The report may also be signed by a Versioned Loaded Endorsement Key (VLEK), derived from a seed maintained by the AMD Key Derivation Service (KSD) [5]. The third-party should verify the authenticity of the report based on its signature. A successful signature verification proves that the 512 bits of guest data supplied in the report came from the guest whose identity is described.

Attestation Report

The purpose of the Attestation Report is to allow the VM to prove to third parties that it is confidential and has been configured in a trustable state with no tampering. The following table describes the Attestation Report structure [5]:

Name Description
POLICY The guest policy (see below)
MEASUREMENT The measurement calculated at launch (see below)
REPORT_DATA Guest-provided data
VERSION Version number of the Attestation Report (set to 0x02 for this specification)
GUEST_SVN The guest Secure Version Number (SVN)
FAMILY_ID The family ID provided at launch
IMAGE_ID The image ID provided at launch
VMPL The request Virtual Machine Privilege Level (VMPL) for the Attestation Report
SIGNATURE_ALGO The signature algorithm used to sign the report
CURRENT_TCB Current TCB (see below)
PLATFORM_INFO Information about the platform (indicates if TSME or SMT are enabled in the system)
SIGNING_KEY Encodes the key used to sign the report (0: VCEK, 1: VLEK, 2–6: Reserved, 7: None)
MASK_CHIP_KEY The value of MaskChipKey
AUTHOR_KEY_EN Indicates that the digest of the author key is present in AUTHOR_KEY_DIGEST (set to the value of GCTX.AuthorKeyEn)
HOST_DATA Data provided by the hypervisor at launch
ID_KEY_DIGEST SHA-384 digest of the ID public key that signed the ID block provided in SNP_LAUNCH_FINISH
AUTHOR_KEY_DIGEST SHA-384 digest of the Author public key that certified the ID key, if provided in SNP_LAUNCH_FINISH (zeros if AUTHOR_KEY_EN is 1)
REPORT_ID Report ID of the guest
REPORT_ID_MA Report ID of the guest’s migration agent
REPORTED_TCB Reported TCB version used to derive the VCEK that signed this report
CHIP_ID If MaskChipId is set to 0, identifier unique to the chip as output by GET_ID, otherwise, set to 0
CURRENT_BUILD The build number of CurrentVersion
CURRENT_MINOR The minor number of CurrentVersion
CURRENT_MAJOR The major number of CurrentVersion
COMMITTED_BUILD The build number of CommittedVersion
COMMITTED_MINOR The minor version of CommittedVersion
COMMITTED_MAJOR The major version of CommittedVersion
LAUNCH_TCB The Current TCB at the time the guest was launched or imported
SIGNATURE Signature of bytes 0x000 to 0x29F (inclusive) of this report

The Attestation Report is signed by the private part of the VCEK/VLEK, which is located inside the AMD-SP. The public part of the VCEK/VLEK can be used to verify the signature, and its authenticity can be verified against the AMD Certificate Chain to ensure that it is valid. Therefore, we can guarantee that the report was generated inside an AMD-SP, as it is the only entity with access to the VCEK/VLEK private part.

Moreover, the user can include 512 bits of data in the Attestation Report, which ensures its freshness. By doing this, we can trust that (1) the Attestation Reports given by a VM have been freshly generated in response to the current request, and (2) the report was generated by an authentic AMD-SP (due to its signature).

Platform Info

The platform info structure details configurations about the platform. It is structured as follows.

Bit(s) Name Description
63:2 - Reserved
1 TSME_EN Indicates that Transparent Secure Memory Encryption (TSME) is enabled in the system
0 SMT_EN Indicates that Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is enabled in the system


The policy parameters refer to the set of rules that govern the behavior of the VM, for example, if the VM allows or not debug mode or if it is allowed to run in a platform with Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) enabled. In the Attestation Report, the policy field is represented as 64 bits of data and is structured as follows [5]:

Bit(s) Name Description
63:21 - Reserved, must be zero
20 SINGLE_SOCKET 0: Guest can be activated on multiple sockets / 1: Guest can be activated only on single socket machines
19 DEBUG 0: Debugging is disallowed / 1: Debugging is allowed
18 MIGRATE_MA 0: Association with a migration agent is disallowed / 1: Association with a migration agent is allowed
17 - Reserved, must be zero
16 SMT 0: SMT is disallowed / 1: SMT is allowed
15:8 ABI_MAJOR The minimum ABI major version required for this guest to run
7:0 ABI_MINOR The minimum ABI minor version required for this guest to run

TCB Version

The TCB_VERSION is a structure containing the security version numbers of the components in the SNP firmware's trusted computing base (TCB). A TCB_VERSION is associated with each image of firmware. The TCB_VERSION structure is described below:

Bit(s) Name Description
63:56 MICROCODE Lowest current patch level of all cores
55:48 SNP Version of the SNP firmware
Security Version Number (SVN) of SNP firmware
47:16 - Reserved
15:8 TEE Current Platform Security Processor (PSP) OS version, SVN of PSP operating system
7:0 BOOT_LOADER Current bootloader version, SVN of PSP bootloader

Launch Measurement

The Attestation Report also contains a Launch Measurement of the guest, which is calculated as [6]:


Where "||" represents concatenation. GCTX represents the guest context and the GCTX.LD is a hash digest of all plaintext data imported into the guest at boot, and how this value is calculated depends on the hypervisor. For QEMU, it can be calculated as:

SHA256(firmware_blob || kernel_hashes_blob || vmsas_blob)


Ensuring Node Integrity and Security

Although SEV-SNP guarantees guest memory encryption, it only encrypts data in use. To ensure data protection at rest, such as keys and secrets stored in the VM disk, a Full Disk Encryption (FDE) solution, such as Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS), must be used. To guarantee data integrity at rest, an integrity verification tool such as DM-Verity must also be used. It is recommended to include these verifications in the Initramfs or kernel because they are measured in the Launch Measurement included in the Attestation Report so the VM owner can verify if the value matches with the expected, ensuring that everything has been performed correctly and that there has been no tampering neither in the kernel nor in Initramfs.

The sequence diagram presented next describes how a chain of trust between AMD-SP and the VM disk integrity is built through the Launch Measurement included in the Attestation Report. Although other components impact the chain of trust, in this scheme, we focus on the ones that directly affect the integrity of the VM Disk.

    participant sp as AMD-SP
    participant kern as VM Kernel
    participant init as VM Initramfs
    participant vm as VM
    participant owner as Guest Owner
    par load in memory
    par measure
    init->>kern: calls DM-Crypt
    Note right of kern: Open Luks Partition
    init->>kern: calls DM-Verity
    activate kern
    Note right of kern: Verifies disk <br />Integrity
    kern-->>init: disk integrity status
    deactivate kern
    alt disk is ok
    init->>vm: load root fs and boot
        owner->>vm: request Attestation Report
        activate vm
        vm->>sp: request Attestation Report
        activate sp
        sp-->>vm: Attestation Report
        deactivate sp
        vm-->>owner: Attestation Report
        deactivate vm
        owner->>owner: Verifies measurement in<br/>the Report to assure kernel<br/>and initramfs integrity
        Note right of owner: If the measurement matches<br/>the expected value,<br/>the owner trusts the integrity<br/>of VM Disk
    else disk not ok
    init->>init: abort VM init
  1. The kernel and the Initramfs are loaded in the memory of the VM.
  2. The AMD-SP measures the kernel and the Initramfs.
  3. When the Initramfs runs, it calls the module DM-Crypt of the kernel to open the encrypted partition.
  4. The Initramfs calls DM-Verity kernel module to verify the disk integrity.
  5. If the verification passes and the VM disk is ok, the VM starts; if not, the VM start halts.
  6. After the VM is running, the Guest Owner can request Attestation Reports containing the measurement generated in step 1, which considers hashes of Initramfs and kernel.
  7. After receiving the Attestation Report, the Guest Owner can verify if the measurement matches the expected value. If it matches, then the Guest Owner can trust the verification made by Initramfs using the kernel's DM-Verity module.

For step 3, we must retrieve the secret to open the encrypted partition. For this, we can use a Key Managment Service (KMS). For the proof of concept, we used a workload named Fetch Key Workload (FetchKeyWL) to retrieve the secret (the disk encryption key) based on the SPIFFE ID and the disk UUID.

    participant init as Initramfs 
    participant agent as Agent
    participant wl as FetchKeyWL
    participant kms as KMS
    init->>agent: initialize Agent
    Note right of agent:  Attest to Server
    init->>wl: fetch decryption key   
    activate wl
    wl->>agent: attest to Agent
    activate agent
    agent-->>wl: SVID
    deactivate agent
    wl->>kms: request decryption key           
    activate kms
    Note right of kms:  verify CA
    kms-->>wl: decryption key<br/>associated to SPIFFEID
    deactivate kms
    wl-->>init: decryption key  
    deactivate wl     
    init->>init: decrypt and<br/>load root fs


We propose a new SPIRE Node Attestation Plugin that uses SEV-SNP features to attest SPIRE Agents running inside SEV-SNP-enabled VMs. The idea behind the plugin is to take advantage of the existing Attestation Report provided by the AMD-SP to guarantee the identity and integrity of the VM running the SPIRE Agent.

Attestation Workflow

    participant AMDSP as AMD-SP
    participant Agent as Agent in CVM
    participant Server as Server
    Agent->>Server: Request SVID
    activate Server
    Server->>Agent: Request Attestation Report<br/> providing the nonce
    activate Agent
    Agent->>AMDSP: Request Attestation Report and VCEK<br/>providing the nonce
    activate AMDSP
    AMDSP-->>Agent: VCEK + Attestation Report (nonce included)
    deactivate AMDSP
    Agent-->>Server: VCEK + Attestation Report (nonce included)
    deactivate Agent
    Note right of Server: 1) Verify the VCEK<br/>against AMD cert chain<br/>2) Verify nonce <br/>3) Verify signature
    Server-->>Agent: SVID
    deactivate Server
  1. The SPIRE Agent inside the SEV-SNP Guest sends an attestation request.
  2. The Server sends a nonce to the Agent, which should be included in the Attestation Report.
  3. The Agent requests an extended Attestation Report from the AMD-SP, providing the nonce sent by the Server to be included in the report.
  4. The AMD-SP generates an Attestation Report with the included nonce and sends it to the Agent along with the VCEK public certificate.
  5. The Agent sends the Attestation Report and the VCEK public certificate to the Server.
  6. The Server then verifies if the VCEK is valid by checking it against the AMD certificate chain.
  7. The Server verifies if the nonce included in the Attestation Report is correct and checks if the private part of the VCEK signed the Report.
  8. If the validations in step 7 were successful, the SVID is provided to the Agent.


To run the plugin, the VCEK public certificate must be configured on the SEV-SNP host through the SNP_SET_EXT_CONFIG command. So the Guest can obtain it along with the attestation report through a SNP_GET_EXT_REPORT [9]. In most cloud providers, this configuration is done by default on the hosts; in on-premise solutions, it can be done using the sev-guest tool.

A sample configuration for the SPIRE Agent would include the following configs for the node attestor:

    # agent.conf
    NodeAttestor "sev_snp" {
        plugin_data {}

The server must then be configured with (or retrieve) the AMD certificate chain to verify the authenticity of the VCEK. The steps to obtain this cert chain can be found here.

Configuration Description
amd_cert_chain The path to the AMD Cert Chain.

A sample configuration for the SPIRE Server to attest Agents running inside SEV-SNP VMs, with the AMD Cert Chain file located at /home/ubuntu, would include the following configs for Node Attestor:

    # server.conf
    NodeAttestor "sev_snp" {
     plugin_data {
         amd_cert_chain = "/home/ubuntu/cert_chain.pem"


The plugin selectors we propose use most of the fields in the attestation report:

Selector Example Value Corresponding report field
amd_sev_snp:guest_svn 0 GUEST_SVN
amd_sev_snp:policy:abi_minor 27 POLICY.ABI_MINOR
amd_sev_snp:policy:abi_major 1 POLICY.ABI_MAJOR
amd_sev_snp:policy:smt true POLICY.SMT
amd_sev_snp:policy:migrate_ma false POLICY.MIGRATE_MA
amd_sev_snp:policy:debug false POLICY.DEBUG
amd_sev_snp:policy:single_socket false POLICY.SINGLE_SOCKET
amd_sev_snp:family_id cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007 FAMILY_ID
amd_sev_snp:image_id d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce IMAGE_ID
amd_sev_snp:vmpl 0 VMPL
amd_sev_snp:signature_algo 1 SIGNATURE_ALGO
amd_sev_snp:current_tcb:boot_loader 3 CURRENT_TCB.BOOT_LOADER
amd_sev_snp:current_tcb:tee 0 CURRENT_TCB.TEE
amd_sev_snp:current_tcb:snp 8 CURRENT_TCB.SNP
amd_sev_snp:current_tcb:microcode 115 CURRENT_TCB.MICROCODE
amd_sev_snp:platform_info:smt_en true PLATFORM_INFO.SMT_EN
amd_sev_snp:platform_info:tsme_en true PLATFORM_INFO.TSME_EN
amd_sev_snp:signing_key 1 SIGNING_KEY
amd_sev_snp:mask_chip_key 1 MASK_CHIP_KEY
amd_sev_snp:host_data 1b13018c152b363c122ac52dccce5cba783a75696b53ed42a67429521e47b1fb HOST_DATA
amd_sev_snp:id_key_digest 397b02b75b7d7564a95fb2e5c530fd37e22403858474857b157669792505c548dd866bf849d0ea6ce9d60df31ac4df70 ID_KEY_DIGEST
amd_sev_snp:author_key_digest 03b17f4e701f02864599ac0bbe0ee9217a8dc99b1caf4b834ca9a01aa1e1135aa4c9cb0e27d04a8fc351ddffeeb17988 AUTHOR_KEY_DIGEST
amd_sev_snp:report_id_ma 36c46ad2b39241262c9b6f78564ffcb8bcaad0d24fbd62a362b689bbc02a9ff6 REPORT_ID_MA
amd_sev_snp:reported_tcb:boot_loader 3 REPORTED_TCB.BOOT_LOADER
amd_sev_snp:reported_tcb:tee 0 REPORTED_TCB.TEE
amd_sev_snp:reported_tcb:snp 0 REPORTED_TCB.SNP
amd_sev_snp:reported_tcb:microcode 115 REPORTED_TCB.MICROCODE
amd_sev_snp:chip_id 20028d4636c268b3bd525b429d333c28273cfcb63874f8cff78fa613887002990efec70c4c538bac5e084371f3d76659360a8e5157d5e7588057a715a8272dba CHIP_ID
amd_sev_snp:committed_tcb:boot_loader 3 COMMITED_TCB.BOOT_LOADER
amd_sev_snp:committed_tcb:tee 0 COMMITED_TCB.TEE
amd_sev_snp:committed_tcb:snp 8 COMMITED_TCB.SNP
amd_sev_snp:committed_tcb:microcode 115 COMMITED_TCB.MICROCODE
amd_sev_snp:current_build 4 CURRENT_BUILD
amd_sev_snp:current_minor 52 CURRENT_MINOR
amd_sev_snp:current_major 1 CURRENT_MAJOR
amd_sev_snp:committed_build 4 COMMITED_BUILD
amd_sev_snp:committed_minor 52 COMMITED_MINOR
amd_sev_snp:committed_major 1 COMMITED_MAJOR
amd_sev_snp:launch_tcb:boot_loader 3 LAUNCH_TCB.BOOT_LOADER
amd_sev_snp:launch_tcb:tee 0 LAUNCH_TCB.TEE
amd_sev_snp:launch_tcb:snp 8 LAUNCH_TCB.SNP
amd_sev_snp:launch_tcb:microcode 115 LAUNCH_TCB.MICROCODE
amd_sev_snp:measurement 72d99e550e7cb12abab9c961e47f343acc8ff30b6a62b42b5b593e78ddbd54df6b090b2f66299a480e520ac9e2955f70 LAUNCH_TCB.MEASUREMENT
amd_sev_snp:signing_key_hash 1f40fc92da241694750979ee6cf582f2d5d7d28e18335de05abc54d0560e0f5302860c652bf08d560252aa5e74210546f369fbbbce8c12cfc7957b2652fe9a75 -

The VCEK and VLEK selectors are the SHA512 of the signing key's certificate used to sign the report.


Finally, the proposed SPIFFEID structure for the plugin looks like:




Current limitations

Request for Comments

This proposal seeks to elicit feedback on the proposed approach for an AMD SEV-SNP Node Attestation Plugin. The plugin aims to enhance the security of virtualized environments by verifying the identity of SEV-SNP-enabled VMs by leveraging the hardware-based attestation capabilities of the AMD SEV-SNP processor. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or concerns you may have about the proposal.



rturner3 commented 1 year ago

Hi @aembrito, thank you so much for putting in this detailed proposal. We're still reviewing and discussing this and will get back to you once we've digested some of the details.

jensfr commented 9 months ago

Hi @aembrito, @evan2645 is one of you working on this plugin already? Asking because I want to avoid double work

Daviiap commented 9 months ago

Hi @jensfr! There is a implementation of the plugin on this repository

evan2645 commented 9 months ago

Hi @aembrito , thank you for your patience on this. The RFC is very thorough but also long which contributed to delay as we need to allocate time to review etc. I spent some time reading through and thinking about it, one thing I noticed is that there isn't much written on how this will actually be used. For example, there is a long list of selectors that the plugin emits, but it's hard for me to understand how someone will use and operationalize many of them.

It would be really helpful to have an end-to-end worked example that includes workload registration. In the end, the person/process registering the workload needs to have advanced knowledge of the selector data. Understanding this part will help a lot in making sure that the plugin configuration, selectors, etc are clear and useful. Building on the LUKS example would be great!

evan2645 commented 8 months ago

Hi @aembrito , happy new year! Just checking back in here

evan2645 commented 7 months ago

Hi again @aembrito , we're going to go ahead and close this out until we have some a better understanding of how folks will interact with this. In the meantime, you could publish the plugin independently as an out-of-tree plugin for testing etc .. happy to point you in the right direction there if that's of interest.