spike-imperial / FastLAS

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Unknown token: '#' #6

Open pudumagico opened 2 months ago

pudumagico commented 2 months ago

Whenever I try to run FastLAS on the CAVIAR examples (or any other example) it returns either UNSATISFIABLE% or Unknown token: '#'.

Could someone help me? Example:

FastLAS --opl FastLAS1/data/CAVIAR/files/las__fold_0_FastLAS

marklaw commented 2 months ago


The unknown token issue is caused because you are running a FastLAS1 task with the FastLAS2 executable. FastLAS1 requires constants to be defined with the #constant statement, whereas FastLAS2 needs them to be in the background knowledge. The CAVIAR experiments are also available in the FastLAS2 data folder with the FastLAS2 syntax.

The UNSATISFIABLE issue may be an installation problem. Could you check the output of running clingo --version, and check that it has Lua support. If it is compiled without Lua support, FastLAS will not work.



pudumagico commented 2 months ago

Indeed Lua was not installed, but some problems are still present. Does FastLAS not take negative examples anymore?

pudumagico commented 2 months ago

To be more concrete, I am trying to learn this:

size(small). size(large).

shape(airliner). shape(biplane). shape(jet). shape(fighter). shape(utility). shape(tandem). shape(road). shape(mountain). shape(articulated). shape(double). shape(regular). shape(school). shape(truck). shape(suv). shape(minivan). shape(sedan). shape(wagon). shape(chopper). shape(scooter). shape(cruiser). shape(dirtbike).

direction(south). direction(southwest). direction(west). direction(northeast). direction(north). direction(northwest). direction(west). direction(southeast).

pos(s73@4, {hard(s73)}, {}, {

contains(s73, o0).
direction(o0, south).
shape(o0, regular).
size(o0, small).

contains(s73, o1).
direction(o1, north).
shape(o1, articulated).
size(o1, small).

contains(s73, o2).
direction(o2, south).
shape(o2, regular).
size(o2, small).


neg(s74@2, {hard(s74)}, {}, {

contains(s74, o0).
direction(o0, southeast).
shape(o0, minivan).
size(o0, large).

contains(s74, o1).
direction(o1, southeast).
shape(o1, articulated).
size(o1, small).

contains(s74, o2).
direction(o2, northeast).
shape(o2, double).
size(o2, large).

contains(s74, o3).
direction(o3, east).
shape(o3, mountain).
size(o3, large).



bias("penalty(1, head(X)) :- in_head(X).").

bias("penalty(1, body(X)) :- in_body(X).").


modeb(contains(var(sce_id), var(obj_id))).

modeb(shape(var(obj_id), const(shape))).

modeb(size(var(obj_id), const(size))).

modeb(direction(var(obj_id), const(direction))).

But it just gives the following (with debug)

{ "Length": 0, "Noisy Example Penalty": 1292, "Uncovered Examples": [s1, s1000, s1002, s1003, s1004, s1005, s1006, s1007, s1008, s1010, s1011, s1012, s1013, s1016, s1017, s1018, s1020, s1024, s1025, s1027, s1028, s103, s1030, s1032, s1033, s1034, s1035, s1037, s1038, s1039, s1040, s1042, s1046, s1047, s105, s1051, s1053, s1054, s1055, s1057, s1058, s1060, s1063, s1064, s1065, s1066, s1067, s1069, s1070, s1075, s1076, s1077, s1080, s1082, s1083, s1084, s1085, s1087, s1088, s1089, s109, s1090, s1092, s1096, s1099, s1100, s1103, s1107, s1108, s111, s1110, s1111, s1116, s1117, s1118, s1124, s1128, s1129, s113, s1135, s1136, s1137, s1138, s1139, s114, s1140, s1143, s1144, s1145, s1146, s1147, s1148, s115, s1151, s1152, s1154, s1155, s116, s1161, s1163, s1165, s1166, s1168, s117, s1171, s1172, s1174, s1178, s1179, s1180, s1182, s1183, s1184, s1185, s1186, s1189, s1190, s1191, s1192, s1196, s1197, s1199, s120, s1201, s1202, s124, s128, s129, s13, s132, s133, s134, s135, s136, s137, s139, s14, s145, s146, s152, s153, s154, s155, s16, s160, s162, s168, s17, s171, s174, s175, s177, s178, s179, s18, s181, s183, s185, s188, s189, s19, s191, s193, s197, s198, s2, s20, s201, s204, s208, s209, s21, s210, s215, s218, s220, s221, s222, s224, s226, s232, s233, s237, s24, s243, s244, s247, s250, s251, s252, s253, s257, s258, s259, s26, s264, s265, s267, s268, s274, s279, s28, s282, s284, s290, s293, s297, s30, s300, s302, s303, s305, s307, s308, s311, s312, s313, s314, s315, s317, s318, s32, s320, s322, s324, s327, s328, s333, s335, s336, s338, s339, s340, s342, s343, s344, s348, s349, s35, s353, s354, s355, s358, s359, s36, s360, s361, s365, s366, s367, s37, s372, s373, s377, s380, s381, s382, s384, s385, s386, s387, s388, s389, s39, s391, s393, s396, s397, s398, s4, s40, s400, s401, s405, s407, s409, s41, s411, s412, s414, s417, s418, s419, s42, s421, s422, s425, s432, s433, s434, s436, s439, s440, s441, s442, s444, s447, s448, s451, s453, s456, s457, s458, s459, s46, s461, s462, s463, s464, s468, s469, s470, s474, s476, s477, s478, s479, s48, s483, s484, s489, s491, s495, s496, s499, s501, s502, s503, s504, s505, s506, s51, s512, s517, s519, s520, s521, s522, s525, s526, s531, s532, s535, s537, s541, s543, s544, s546, s547, s548, s549, s550, s552, s553, s554, s558, s56, s560, s566, s57, s571, s572, s574, s579, s58, s584, s587, s588, s589, s591, s592, s593, s594, s595, s596, s597, s598, s603, s607, s608, s609, s61, s610, s611, s612, s613, s617, s619, s62, s621, s622, s623, s624, s626, s628, s630, s631, s633, s634, s639, s641, s642, s644, s647, s649, s65, s651, s655, s657, s658, s659, s66, s665, s666, s669, s670, s672, s673, s674, s675, s676, s677, s678, s679, s680, s681, s686, s688, s689, s690, s691, s692, s695, s696, s697, s698, s700, s701, s704, s707, s708, s709, s71, s711, s715, s717, s718, s720, s721, s727, s73, s730, s731, s734, s736, s737, s739, s74, s741, s743, s746, s747, s748, s749, s75, s753, s755, s761, s762, s764, s766, s767, s769, s771, s773, s775, s776, s777, s778, s788, s790, s791, s795, s797, s8, s80, s800, s802, s803, s805, s807, s809, s811, s813, s815, s817, s82, s827, s829, s83, s830, s832, s834, s838, s841, s842, s846, s849, s85, s850, s852, s853, s855, s857, s858, s859, s86, s861, s862, s867, s873, s877, s880, s882, s883, s884, s888, s89, s890, s894, s896, s897, s898, s899, s9, s90, s903, s905, s906, s907, s909, s910, s911, s912, s914, s915, s916, s918, s919, s92, s922, s923, s930, s931, s934, s937, s939, s940, s942, s945, s946, s948, s949, s956, s957, s958, s96, s960, s962, s963, s965, s966, s967, s97, s971, s978, s979, s98, s983, s984, s985, s986, s988, s989, s991, s992, s993, s994, s995, s999 ], "Final Semi-decomposable Representation": [ ]