spikex / strongbox

Secures ActiveRecord attributes with public key encryption
MIT License
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Using strongbox with NSS #34

Closed brendandoxo closed 10 years ago

brendandoxo commented 10 years ago

I am using NSS to store the keys I want to provide to strongbox for encryption/decryption. Accessing nss requires the use of the PKCS11 gem. The keys, when retrieved from NSS are PKCS11::Object's. Strongbox requires OpenSSL::PKey::RSA objects. I am unfamiliar with the internals of both of those objects, and so it is unclear to me how to convert PKCS11::Object to OpenSSL::PKey::RSA. Has anyone done this before or know how to do it? Thanks Brendan

spikex commented 10 years ago

I'm afraid I haven't worked with PKCS11. A little googling suggests that some libraries to expose the key pair, but in a cursory glance as the gem documentation I didn't see a what to that. I'd ping the PKCS11 gem developers. If you can extract key pair from the PKCS11::Object, it would be easy to use with Strongbox.

If you do find away, let me know and I'll document it.