Closed Kamiikaze closed 6 years ago
Make sure your saying that in the Discord channel that you put for the discordchannelid. Also make sure the bot has the proper permissions on the discord server after its added.
Discord Channel: Console: RCON:
in discord you don't have to put the /ark that prefix you set is only used from the servers side.
another thing to note you cant have the rcon window open since they use the same command it will not work properly.
After closing Rcon window, it worked, thx :+1:
Np :)
The tool is just recieving messages from the server but if i try to send a msg from discord to server like "hey" or "/ark hey" it wont work.
"DiscordSettings": { "DiscordChannelID": "458464026720993280", "TribeLogsDiscordChannelID": "458464980904181762", "prefix": "d!", "DiscordToken": "xxx", "ShowAdminCommands": false, "ShowChatPrefixInDiscord": true, "ShowTribelogsInChat": false, "SendTribeLogsToOwnChannel": false, "SendServerChatToOwnChannel": false, "UsePrefixToSendChat": true, "PrefixToSendChat": "/ark"