spine-generic / data-multi-subject

Multi-subject data for the Spine Generic project
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`b0` files are mistakenly filed #104

Open kousu opened 2 years ago

kousu commented 2 years ago

A bunch of files are tagged acq-b0 The files affected are all DWI images:

``` u108545@joplin:~/data-multi-subject$ find . -name '*acq-b0*' ./sub-beijingVerio03/dwi/sub-beijingVerio03_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-beijingVerio03/dwi/sub-beijingVerio03_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron02/dwi/sub-vallHebron02_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron02/dwi/sub-vallHebron02_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron03/dwi/sub-vallHebron03_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron03/dwi/sub-vallHebron03_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-amu02/dwi/sub-amu02_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-amu02/dwi/sub-amu02_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron01/dwi/sub-vallHebron01_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron01/dwi/sub-vallHebron01_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg04/dwi/sub-strasbourg04_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg04/dwi/sub-strasbourg04_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron04/dwi/sub-vallHebron04_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron04/dwi/sub-vallHebron04_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron05/dwi/sub-vallHebron05_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron05/dwi/sub-vallHebron05_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-beijingVerio04/dwi/sub-beijingVerio04_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-beijingVerio04/dwi/sub-beijingVerio04_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-beijingVerio02/dwi/sub-beijingVerio02_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-beijingVerio02/dwi/sub-beijingVerio02_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron07/dwi/sub-vallHebron07_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron07/dwi/sub-vallHebron07_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-beijingVerio01/dwi/sub-beijingVerio01_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-beijingVerio01/dwi/sub-beijingVerio01_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-amu05/dwi/sub-amu05_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-amu05/dwi/sub-amu05_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-amu03/dwi/sub-amu03_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-amu03/dwi/sub-amu03_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg05/dwi/sub-strasbourg05_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg05/dwi/sub-strasbourg05_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg02/dwi/sub-strasbourg02_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg02/dwi/sub-strasbourg02_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg06/dwi/sub-strasbourg06_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg06/dwi/sub-strasbourg06_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg01/dwi/sub-strasbourg01_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg01/dwi/sub-strasbourg01_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-strasbourg03/dwi/sub-strasbourg03_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-strasbourg03/dwi/sub-strasbourg03_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron06/dwi/sub-vallHebron06_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-vallHebron06/dwi/sub-vallHebron06_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-amu01/dwi/sub-amu01_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-amu01/dwi/sub-amu01_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-amu04/dwi/sub-amu04_acq-b0_dwi.json ./sub-amu04/dwi/sub-amu04_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ```

The only mention I can find of b0 in BIDS is about using the fmap/ datatype/subfolder, and it recommends four schemas depending on how many files you have:

If our acq-b0 files are really fieldmaps, they only slot they fit into is the _epi case. But again, they're under dwi/ right now so I don't know what to make of the situation.

jcohenadad commented 2 years ago

If our acq-b0 files are really fieldmaps

no they are not. It is quite confusing. These are not B0 fieldmap (where B0 refers to the static magnetic field) but b=0 images (where b refers to the diffusion-encoding b-value).

this additional image is acquired in order to improve SNR when computing diffusion tensor metrics.

i'm not sure how we can make BIDS happy with this special image type...

kousu commented 2 years ago

Maybe it's

Single-Band Reference sbref Single-band reference for one or more multi-band dwi images.

so then

git mv ./sub-vallHebron06/dwi/sub-vallHebron06_acq-b0_dwi.nii.gz ./sub-vallHebron06/dwi/sub-vallHebron06_sbref.nii.gz


But maybe it's fine like it is. That spec page is pretty vague, only mentioning

The OPTIONAL acq-<label> key/value pair corresponds to a custom label the user may use to distinguish different sets of parameters.

which is also appropriate since the scanner set the different parameter set b=0!

Do you think the spec is implying or just suggesting that _dwi.nii.gz implies _dwi.bval and _dwi.bvec here?

jcohenadad commented 2 years ago

Single-Band Reference

no it's not that (for the record: SB reference refers to images acquired with SMS factor of >1)

But maybe it's fine like it is.

i can sleep at night with this status quo

Do you think the spec is implying or just suggesting that _dwi.nii.gz implies _dwi.bval and _dwi.bvec here?

dwi data definitely need a bval and a bvec in order to be able to compute DTI metrics

kousu commented 2 years ago

Do you think the spec is implying or just suggesting that _dwi.nii.gz implies _dwi.bval and _dwi.bvec here?

dwi data definitely need a bval and a bvec in order to be able to compute DTI metrics

Okay well, stupid question then: doesn't the BIDS naming scheme would seem to mean there's missing files here? The existence of


should imply


but if that's wrong then _dwi is the wrong suffix for these files isn't it?

jcohenadad commented 2 years ago

Do you think the spec is implying or just suggesting that _dwi.nii.gz implies _dwi.bval and _dwi.bvec here?

dwi data definitely need a bval and a bvec in order to be able to compute DTI metrics

Okay well, stupid question then: doesn't the BIDS naming scheme would seem to mean there's missing files here? The existence of


should imply


but if that's wrong then _dwi is the wrong suffix for these files isn't it?

ah! sorry i misunderstand your point above-- a b=0 image has (by definition) no bvec/bval associated with it.

that being said, we could also make the point that a very low b-value would be considered b=0 and labeled as is (and in this case a bvec/bval should be needed)-- so, i'm not sure what to advise here 🤷‍♂️

kousu commented 2 years ago

Maybe we can bring it up on the BIDS bug tracker when we get a free moment?