spine-generic / data-multi-subject

Multi-subject data for the Spine Generic project
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Manual retrieve of the labels-disc because of git-annex issues #34

Closed jcohenadad closed 4 years ago

jcohenadad commented 4 years ago

Because of the git-annex issue #24 and the fact that we cannot wait anymore for the issue to be fixed (we have hard deadlines to analyze data), I had no choice but manually copy the labels produced by @lrouhier directly from our internal server. Below are the command lines I used to bundle these manual labels:

  1. zip label files by keeping the directory structure:

    # connect as root to rosenberg
    cd /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/luroub/spineclean/error_redo/data-multi-subject
    find . -name "*labels-disc-manual*.*" | while read F; do zip labels-disc.zip $F; done
  2. copy them onto compute canada cluster, under the data-multi-subject root directory

  3. unzip: unzip labels-disc.zip and press "A" for replace all.

For the record, here are the labels: labels-disc.zip

jcohenadad commented 4 years ago

issue is now fixed (thanks @kousu !) more context in #24