spine-generic / data-multi-subject

Multi-subject data for the Spine Generic project
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
22 stars 15 forks source link

add site data ucdavis #77

Closed alexfoias closed 3 years ago

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

Curently missing sex, age, date of scan.

Here is a QC of defacing ucdavis_spineGeneric_QC.zip

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

We didn't get the date_of_scan info. I think we can go without it.

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@jcohenadad I have updated the participants.tsv

jcohenadad commented 3 years ago

oopsi, any idea what's going on? https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject/pull/77/checks?check_run_id=2326970382#step:8:2770

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu The build fails. The error looks something like

get sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T1w.nii.gz (not available) 
  No other repository is known to contain the file.

  (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin)

Did I do something wrong?

kousu commented 3 years ago

Probably that file didn't get upload to Amazon correctly. I'm investigating.

kousu commented 3 years ago

Possibly because git-annex keeps its metadata in a separate branch (https://github.com/neuropoly/data-management/issues/67). This was submitted from a fork which means the git-annex branch is isolated over in https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject/ and this repo isn't seeing it. Maybe. I still need to wait for things to sync fully before I can check for sure.

I'll see if I can figure out how to tweak the CI script to be able to deal with forks. But because of this separate branch problem git-annex and the Github GUI are never going to be fully compatible.

kousu commented 3 years ago

It's a simpler, but related, problem: @alexfoias your local git-annex branch hasn't been synchronized to github:

$ git remote add af https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject/
$ git fetch af
remote: Enumerating objects: 9058, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9058/9058), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1984/1984), done.
remote: Total 16921 (delta 5816), reused 8389 (delta 5709), pack-reused 7863
Receiving objects: 100% (16921/16921), 1.55 MiB | 3.50 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6918/6918), completed with 2004 local objects.
From https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject
 * [new branch]        af/add_ucdavis                       -> af/af/add_ucdavis
 * [new branch]        af/update_participants_tsv           -> af/af/update_participants_tsv
 * [new branch]        git-annex                            -> af/git-annex
 * [new branch]        master                               -> af/master
 * [new branch]        renelabounek-master                  -> af/renelabounek-master
 * [new branch]        synced/af/csfseg_json                -> af/synced/af/csfseg_json
 * [new branch]        synced/git-annex                     -> af/synced/git-annex
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/17-defacing               -> af/synced/jca/17-defacing
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/21-travis                 -> af/synced/jca/21-travis
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/7-check-data-consistency  -> af/synced/jca/7-check-data-consistency
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/derivatives-r20200830-mts -> af/synced/jca/derivatives-r20200830-mts
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/participants              -> af/synced/jca/participants
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/readme                    -> af/synced/jca/readme
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/reupload-disc-labels      -> af/synced/jca/reupload-disc-labels
 * [new branch]        synced/jca/update-derivatives        -> af/synced/jca/update-derivatives
 * [new branch]        synced/master                        -> af/synced/master
[kousu@requiem data-multi-subject]$ git annex whereis  sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T1w.nii.gz
(merging af/git-annex into git-annex...)
(recording state in git...)

  Remote af not usable by git-annex; setting annex-ignore

  https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject//config download failed: Not Found
git-annex: sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T1w.nii.gz not found
git-annex: whereis: 1 failed
$ git log --pretty=short af/git-annex^^..af/git-annex
commit 3cc730e6fac61f41c969b60af0d62d794250fe3b (af/synced/git-annex, af/git-annex)
Author: Alexandru Foias <afoias@polymtl.ca>


commit 39d9c91f1bacc5fe9452028a2b8c4bc344438de7
Author: Alexandru Foias <afoias@polymtl.ca>


(notice the timestamps)

You need to do

git annex sync

More directly you can do

git push origin git-annex

which is what I am thinking more and more I want to recommend.

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu I did this:

[13/04/21 7:33:29] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git push origin git-annex
Enumerating objects: 290, done.
Counting objects: 100% (290/290), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (237/237), done.
Writing objects: 100% (261/261), 112.78 KiB | 6.63 MiB/s, done.
Total 261 (delta 53), reused 1 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53), completed with 4 local objects.
To https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject.git
   3cc730e6..c7283b1c  git-annex -> git-annex
[13/04/21 7:33:33] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git annex sync 
On branch af/add_ucdavis
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/af/add_ucdavis'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
pull origin 
remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
From https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject
   8143f98b..7f58747b  af/add_ucdavis -> origin/af/add_ucdavis

Updating 8143f98b..7f58747b
 README.md | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
push origin 
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject.git
   3cc730e6..c7283b1c  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
 * [new branch]        af/add_ucdavis -> synced/af/add_ucdavis
[13/04/21 7:34:05] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git push origin git-annex
Everything up-to-date
kousu commented 3 years ago

@alexfoias Problem 2 seems to be that the files have not been uploaded to Amazon

$ git branch
* af/add_ucdavis
$ git annex whereis sub-ucdavis06/
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T1w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2star.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/dwi/sub-ucdavis06_dwi.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject

Can you try this?

git annex dead here
git annex sync --content amazon
git annex sync
alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu Still doesn't work https://gist.github.com/alexfoias/bdf8f28c3e2adbe8048cc3ce4aaf6736

kousu commented 3 years ago

@alexfoias oops, you need to load your Amazon password:

copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 


  No S3 credentials configured

You need to run


You can put those in your ~/.profile (or, ~/.zprofile? You're on the new macOS right? is that the right path now?).

I wonder if we can script this to make this easier. Personally, I have my AWS keys in my password manager so what I actually do is

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(pass work/neuropoly/aws | grep username: | awk '{print $2}')" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(pass work/neuropoly/aws | head -n 1)" git annex sync --content amazon

which prompts me to unlock my password manager.

I probably should have told you git annex copy --to amazon. I'm sorry you had to wait for the downloads before you could upload, too.

(the docs are here)

kousu commented 3 years ago

Turns out @alexfoias had never had AWS access in the first place. I've granted him write-access to it.

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu How do I have to add the AWS credentials ? Do I just have to set the env var export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="..." AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="..." ?

kousu commented 3 years ago

@alexfoias yes, exactly. Just paste them into your terminal and press enter!

You can also make them more permanent with these suggestions: https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject/pull/77#issuecomment-819029909

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

After exporting the AWS credentials:

[16/04/21 11:53:31] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git annex dead here
dead here (recording state in git...)
(recording state in git...)
[16/04/21 11:53:33] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git annex sync --content amazon
On branch af/add_ucdavis
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/af/add_ucdavis'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/anat/sub-ucdavis01_acq-T1w_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/dwi/sub-ucdavis01_run-01_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/dwi/sub-ucdavis01_run-02_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis01/dwi/sub-ucdavis01_run-03_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/anat/sub-ucdavis02_acq-T1w_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/dwi/sub-ucdavis02_run-01_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/dwi/sub-ucdavis02_run-02_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis02/dwi/sub-ucdavis02_run-03_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/anat/sub-ucdavis03_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/anat/sub-ucdavis03_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/anat/sub-ucdavis03_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/anat/sub-ucdavis03_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/anat/sub-ucdavis03_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis03/dwi/sub-ucdavis03_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/anat/sub-ucdavis04_acq-T1w_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/dwi/sub-ucdavis04_run-01_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/dwi/sub-ucdavis04_run-02_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis04/dwi/sub-ucdavis04_run-03_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/anat/sub-ucdavis05_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/anat/sub-ucdavis05_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/anat/sub-ucdavis05_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/anat/sub-ucdavis05_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/anat/sub-ucdavis05_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis05/dwi/sub-ucdavis05_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis06/dwi/sub-ucdavis06_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T1w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T2star.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T2w.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
copy sub-ucdavis07/dwi/sub-ucdavis07_dwi.nii.gz (checking amazon...) (to amazon...) 
(recording state in git...)
[16/04/21 11:54:35] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git annex sync
On branch af/add_ucdavis
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/af/add_ucdavis'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
pull origin 
push origin 
Enumerating objects: 310, done.
Counting objects: 100% (310/310), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (138/138), done.
Writing objects: 100% (161/161), 12.54 KiB | 1.39 MiB/s, done.
Total 161 (delta 57), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (57/57), completed with 55 local objects.
To https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject.git
   2501e150..9524c416  git-annex -> synced/git-annex
alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu Houston we have a problem :(

kousu commented 3 years ago

@alexfoias git push origin git-annex?

kousu commented 3 years ago

Yeah looks like that's the problem:

$ git fetch af
remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 8 (delta 2), reused 3 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), 9.47 KiB | 111.00 KiB/s, done.
From https://github.com/alexfoias/data-multi-subject
   7f58747b5..dc66d8e76  af/add_ucdavis -> af/af/add_ucdavis

It should say

   7f58747b5..dc66d8e76  af/add_ucdavis -> af/af/add_ucdavis
   9524c4169..something  af/git-annex -> af/git-annex
alexfoias commented 3 years ago
[16/04/21 12:17:31] (base) alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro data-multi-subject % git push origin git-annex
Everything up-to-date
kousu commented 3 years ago

Oh no, I'm not sure about that.

kousu commented 3 years ago

It looks good on my local copy:

$ git annex whereis sub-ucdavis07
whereis sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T1w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s4484346--9b027c074735c3d2d69f046ebaec5831c4e6fc8959a3a64070428ebd75a62fd9.nii.gz
whereis sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T2star.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s1765026--7fb7243348a5bf2c8994cd383848aa3c279ee072701ba56bf43f50b8fb06efbf.nii.gz
whereis sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_T2w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s6620793--78252c6bb18e92298b2b7ec79d4ec5d441750790d7849c0dc174a78a95e669a3.nii.gz
whereis sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s1355554--69fe2b3b512b64b0bfcedfddfe5f8485725db699142010898c20aa2b3c63c0af.nii.gz
whereis sub-ucdavis07/anat/sub-ucdavis07_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s1294757--043e6b105eec24f64f1dd72b221d7b58569f02bcc9bed42e99795d99a5dd26d2.nii.gz
whereis sub-ucdavis07/dwi/sub-ucdavis07_dwi.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    5a5447a8-a9b8-49bc-8276-01a62632b502 -- [amazon]

  amazon: https://data-multi-subject---spine-generic---neuropoly.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/SHA256E-s2348392--12a62969d9a30c726f5471a104c7e42817e3e1509bc5171bbb420e3f4b61fa4f.nii.gz

so I don't yet know what's wrong with Github. But my money is on Github not downloading the git-annex branch out of your fork.

kousu commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think that's it: https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject/pull/77/checks?check_run_id=2363833281#step:8:123

Run git fetch --depth=1 origin git-annex:git-annex # CI does a shallow checkout, so it is missing this important branch
From https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject
 * [new branch]      git-annex  -> git-annex
 * [new branch]      git-annex  -> origin/git-annex
init  (scanning for unlocked files...)
  Remote origin not usable by git-annex; setting annex-ignore

so it's fetching the git-annex from this repo not your repo. We'll have to patch the CI script to fix that. Awkward.

kousu commented 3 years ago

I'm going to mess with your branch a bit to figure this out.

kousu commented 3 years ago

This is a classic case of https://github.com/neuropoly/data-management/issues/67

kousu commented 3 years ago

I got it working. I'm going to merge now.

kousu commented 3 years ago


jcohenadad commented 3 years ago

thank you @alexfoias and @kousu. These painful experiences add to cons of git-annex

kousu commented 3 years ago

It's not fully git-annex's fault. It's just not fully compatible with the Github workflow. Equally much you could say "add to the cons of Github".

kousu commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject/actions/runs/756637528 :sweat:

I predicted this just now:


okay I'll see what I can do about it.

Right, of course, it's literally the same bug:

(recording state in git...)
git-annex: get: 51 failed
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Clicking the 'merge' button doesn't also merge the git-annex branch.

What to do about that?

Never use forks ever? Or never merge git-annex changes on the command line; but we have branch protection turned on so we cannot merge from the command line, it has to be done through the Github GUI? Or make sure to make associated PRs for the git-annex branch?

kousu commented 3 years ago

I'm trying my third strategy this time: https://github.com/spine-generic/data-multi-subject/pull/84. Can one of you approve it @jcohenadad @alexfoias ?

jcohenadad commented 3 years ago

Never use forks ever?

yes, that's also a possibility. We could change our internal workflow, get the data somewhere, review them, and then someone uploads them directly on the master branch.

alexfoias commented 3 years ago

@kousu Thanks for fixing the issue. Is there an update in the documentation for how we should handle data in the future ?

jcohenadad commented 3 years ago

Should we consider dropping forks/branches, and just having someone from the team review the addition and push it directly on master?

kousu commented 2 years ago

We had a report by email ("git-annex at UMN servers") about these 51 files not being downloadable. I don't see how, CI has been green for the 8 months since they went in, but git annex is an arcane art and maybe the unusual fixup I did broke something somehow when combined with certain git annex versions.