spine-tools / Spine-Toolbox

Spine Toolbox is an open source Python package to manage data, scenarios and workflows for modelling and simulation. You can have your local workflow, but work as a team through version control and SQL databases.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Dragging the tab bar in tabbed windows overrides the style sheet #2187

Open PiispaH opened 1 year ago

PiispaH commented 1 year ago

Sometimes when messing around with a specification of an Importer, all of the previously dark menu elements like buttons turn grey. When this happens a small icon usually indicating a drop-down list appears in the corner of the hamburger menu icon. I have seen this happen a few times when doing things like clicking things randomly and selecting other windows. I think this usually happens when selecting a different window.


PiispaH commented 11 months ago

This can happen on any window that can have multiple tabs. When the window is dragged around from the bar where the tabs appear, the styling of the UI elements seems to go back to the defaults instead of using the style-sheet provided in config.py in Toolbox.

jkiviluo commented 2 months ago

I wonder if this is QT problem rather than ours and if so, it might get fixed by QT.