spine / spine-rails

Spine plugin for Rails
171 stars 38 forks source link

Vendored Spine version is inconsistent #47

Closed jcarlson closed 11 years ago

jcarlson commented 11 years ago

The latest version of this gem advertises to vendor Spine v1.1.0, however, there are some inconsistencies between the vendored version of Spine in this gem and the main Spine repository.

For example, in this gem: https://github.com/spine/spine-rails/blob/v0.1.1/vendor/assets/javascripts/spine.coffee#L141

But in the main Spine repo: https://github.com/spine/spine/blob/v1.1.0/src/spine.coffee#L141

Notably this means that https://github.com/spine/spine/issues/460 is fixed if I use the repository source code, but broken if I use the gem.

As a workaround, I can of course copy the Spine source files into my Rails app at vendor/assets/javascripts, but who wants to do that? :-)

Any chance you could cut a new gem to bring the vendored Spine source inline with the main Spine repo?

zohararad commented 11 years ago

@jcarlson alas, me and @benjaminhainez don't have permissions to publish the gem to Rubygems, so cutting a new gem that keeps up to date with Spine's repo is a bit of a pain. I ended up using code from the repo without the gem as well

whatyoubendoing commented 11 years ago

You do have the option off referencing github in your Gemfile eg.

gem 'spine-rails', github: 'spine/spine-rails', branch: 'master'