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Fix documentation on Model 'refresh' event #46

Closed charlieschwabacher closed 11 years ago

charlieschwabacher commented 11 years ago

I am picking up Spine, and noticed that this bit of documentation was incorrect.

aeischeid commented 11 years ago

while your change is technically correct I don't know how helpful it is. All of the events are triggered whenever they are triggered... but typically the refresh event will be fire in such and such circumstance is what needs to be described.

aeischeid commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I read it wrong. Anyway maybe just a "or when the refresh method is called"?

charlieschwabacher commented 11 years ago

It is hard to come up w/ something that is correct, short, and conveys the purpose of the refresh method.
What about 'when records are invalidated or appended using the refresh method'?

aeischeid commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the pull request!