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quickstart guide should have paths to install all components with helm or kubectl #122

Open michelleN opened 4 months ago

michelleN commented 4 months ago

In the quickstart guide, we use kubectl for most install steps and helm for one step. It'd be nice if there was a path for an all helm (or mostly helm) installation path and another one that just uses kubectl.

One argument for not using helm for all or most of the steps is that we are installing CRDs which is a cluster wide resource and operators may not want to use Helm for installing CRDs and also upgrades are tricky. Considering this is a quickstart, we should favor ease of installation and point to a diff doc that talks about what to consider when installing in prod environments. There is some guidance on how to deal with CRDs on this helm doc . Here is what cert-manager does with CRDs in their helm install path.

bacongobbler commented 3 weeks ago

To recap, here are the list of steps necessary to install SpinKube onto a cluster:

  1. Install cert-manager
  2. Apply a RuntimeClass
  3. Apply Spin-operator CRDs
  4. helm install spin-operator
  5. Apply the shim executor

Some open questions to consider here:

Could we add cert-manager as a dependency of the spin-operator chart? That is, is there a way to determine if cert-manager needs to be installed or not at the time we are installing spin-operator?

Can we install a default RuntimeClass? Could we make it configurable through Helm values?

Can we apply the spin-operator CRDs via the crds/ directory?

I recall there being a discussion around whether we wanted to include a default SpinAppExecutor in the chart or not. Is there a conversation going on in the spin-operator repo tracking this discussion? I think part of that conversation exists in https://github.com/spinkube/spin-operator/issues/187. I'm not sure what else may be missing from that piece.