spinkube / spin-operator

Spin Operator is a Kubernetes operator that empowers platform engineers to deploy Spin applications as custom resources to their Kubernetes clusters
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Enable configuring the Shim via the spin-operator #248

Open kate-goldenring opened 3 months ago

kate-goldenring commented 3 months ago

Users should be able to set Pod environment variables via the SpinApp CRD. These can be used for configuring settings, such as open telemetry endpoints:

 - name: NODE_IP
        fieldPath: status.hostIP
    value: "http://$(NODE_IP):4318"

Proposal: add a SpinApp.spec.env


Create deployment directly instead of creating a SpinApp CR, bypassing the Spin operator:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: spin-test
  replicas: 1
      app: spin-test
        app: spin-test
      runtimeClassName: wasmtime-spin-v2
      - name: spin-test
        image: ttl.sh/spin-foo-123:48h
        command: ["/"]
        - containerPort: 80
       - name: NODE_IP
              fieldPath: status.hostIP
            value: "http://$(NODE_IP):4318"
calebschoepp commented 3 months ago

Thanks for filing this @kate-goldenring. SpinApp.spec.env is definitely one approach that would work, but I think we should do more design work before we pull the trigger. I'm a little hesitant to set the precedent that users can set whatever env on the underlying pod that they want. This wouldn't necessarily translate well to other executors (granted we do already have a precedent of supporting features that don't work for all executors so maybe I'm over thinking this).

An alternative would be to have something like SpinApp.spec.otel-env that only lets you set specific OTel environment variables.

I think we need to spend some time thinking about how OTel will get configured in other executors to figure out the design here.

kate-goldenring commented 3 months ago

@calebschoepp I'd rather have a more general solution given that users will likely want to set other env vars as well. I also don't think we have a precedent for specific fields like otel-env. I could see this being something that the spin kube scaffold plugin abstracts with a flag.

I don't imagine it being too complicated for executors to reference and use the env vars set in the SpinApp CRD.

calebschoepp commented 3 months ago

@calebschoepp I'd rather have a more general solution given that users will likely want to set other env vars as well. I also don't think we have a precedent for specific fields like otel-env. I could see this being something that the spin kube scaffold plugin abstracts with a flag.

I like the idea of some kind of --otel-enabled flag on the plugin.

I don't imagine it being too complicated for executors to reference and use the env vars set in the SpinApp CRD. I'm not concerned about their ability to reference the env vars. I'm concerned executors having no meaningful equivalent.

kate-goldenring commented 3 months ago

I'm concerned executors having no meaningful equivalent.

I see. I think we are running into an interesting distinction here between two types of environment variables in Spin:

In the context of the SpinApp CRD, setting env in the SpinApp spec I'd assume would map to spin up --env. This tells executors to make sure that the environment variables are set in the runtime context of the spin app when it is executed.

I am coming around to understanding how OTEL is a unique case and should not be set in an env field.

calebschoepp commented 3 months ago

@kate-goldenring how do you feel about something like this?

Setting env on a SpinApp sets environment variables in the Wasm runtime context of the spin app when it is executed.

apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
kind: SpinApp
  name: simple-spinapp
  image: "ghcr.io/spinkube/containerd-shim-spin/examples/spin-rust-hello:v0.13.0"
  replicas: 1
  executor: containerd-shim-spin
    FOO: bar

Setting env on a SpinAppExecutor sets environment variables in the context of where the executor (shim) is running.

apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
kind: SpinAppExecutor
  name: containerd-shim-spin
  createDeployment: true
    runtimeClassName: wasmtime-spin-v2
    installDefaultCACerts: true

For clarity we could change the names to be something like runtimeEnv and executorEnv or something like that. Then you could also set exectorEnv from the SpinApp and that would override/merge from the executor config. And you could set runtimeEnv from the SpinAppExecutor and that would set a default value for all SpinApps.

kate-goldenring commented 3 months ago

It seems a bit backwards to have the SpinApp (which references an executor) cause an update in the executor. I could see someone configuring that in the executor from the start though. This does mean it would be on an executor level not an app level

endocrimes commented 2 months ago

We deliberately avoided env as its own thing (preferring configuring variables).

If we want to expose configuration for the shim, we should create a typed set of configuration rather than doing env-string-mappings.

apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
kind: SpinAppExecutor
  name: containerd-shim-spin
  createDeployment: true
    runtimeClassName: wasmtime-spin-v2
    installDefaultCACerts: true
    otlpExporterEndpoint: ....

that we then render as an environment variable (or some other more structured config if possible)

endocrimes commented 2 months ago

The driving goal here being: We should always aim to provide a declarative API that captures intent rather than a current implementation detail (leaving those bits for the operator to manage based on the intent)

kate-goldenring commented 2 months ago

My only concern with the declarative API is whether it is over-prescriptive. Some executors may support fields that others don't. For example, say one executor doesn't support Spin apps with the SQS trigger? Where/how can a user configure the following SQS trigger runtime values?

Key Spin CLI Example Value
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2" spin up "us-west-2"

These should be configurable at the app level so would we expand the SpinApp CRD so that the following is possible?

apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1
kind: SpinApp
  name: simple-spinapp
  image: "ghcr.io/spinkube/containerd-shim-spin/examples/spin-rust-hello:v0.13.0"
  replicas: 1
  executor: containerd-shim-spin
    accessKeyId: "123"
    secretAccessKey: <ref to k8s secret>
    sessionToken: <ref to k8s secret>
endocrimes commented 2 months ago

For trigger config, we have https://github.com/spinkube/spin-operator/issues/15, but never got around to doing design work for it. That's a somewhat separate problem though. (And I would probably prefer some kind of typed trigger.{triggername}.config.{field} in the CRD because as much as it's messy to maintain, it is far easier to understand later).

kate-goldenring commented 2 months ago

We already have the SQS trigger in the shim so it would be good to enable using it with this trigger config

(And I would probably prefer some kind of typed trigger.{triggername}.config.{field} in the CRD because as much as it's messy to maintain, it is far easier to understand later).

This sounds like a reasonable approach to me. What would be next steps to getting more input on this? My SKIP aims to cover configuration but it may be getting a little bloated https://github.com/spinkube/skips/pull/4/files

endocrimes commented 2 months ago

I'd probably drop the Spin Operator/CRD bits from SKIP04, then we can follow up with the API we wanna expose? (if you wanna avoid too much bloat)