spinkube / spin-plugin-kube

A Spin plugin for interacting with Kubernetes.
32 stars 7 forks source link

Plugin 0.3.0 still references core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1 #93

Closed jandubois closed 3 weeks ago

jandubois commented 3 weeks ago

For example (using spinkube operator 0.4.0):

$ spin kube --version
kube version 0.3.0
$ spin kube deploy --from ghcr.io/spinkube/containerd-shim-spin/examples/spin-rust-hello:v0.13.0
Error: no matches for kind "SpinApp" in version "core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1"
  kube deploy [flags]

Using the --dry-run option and piping into kubectl apply -f - works.

I believe the root cause is that the plugin still links to spin-operator 0.1.0 in the go.mod file: https://github.com/spinkube/spin-plugin-kube/blob/6f4c9c63ec3210680284c717a69906554912bcbe/go.mod#L13

bacongobbler commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, that would indeed be the issue. Thanks for catching this.