spinlud / linkedin-jobs-scraper

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I keep getting an error even after setting the .env file with the LI_AT_COOKIE variable #31

Closed calvinomiguel closed 2 years ago

calvinomiguel commented 2 years ago

Even after setting the LI_AT_COOKIE variable I keep getting this message. Anonymous session strategy is no longer maintained and it won't probably work. It is recommended to use an authenticated session, see documentation at https://github.com/spinlud/linkedin-jobs-scraper#anonymous-vs-authenticated-session. I'm not sure if I am placing the .env file in a wrong place. But is there a specific place where the file should be placed at? I'm placing it right at the root of the project. But is this correct? Thanks for help!

spinlud commented 2 years ago

You should source your env file manually or use some package like https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv

calvinomiguel commented 2 years ago

I was able to get it to work by using the package you recommended. Thank you! But what exactly did you mean with sourcing the env file? As you can see, I have an env file in the root of my project.