spiral-project / daybed

Form validation and data storage API
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Sharing single records #238

Open leplatrem opened 9 years ago

leplatrem commented 9 years ago

Would it make sense to be able to add/remove an identifier to/from records authors ?

It would at least allow sharing per record (imagine a record is a slideshow you want to publish or redact collaboratively).

Related #222

Natim commented 9 years ago

Yes it is the plan.

leplatrem commented 9 years ago

Imagine a model with private records (read_own_records, update_own_records). How can I share records with someone as read-only ? I guess we should add a notion of readers in addition to authors then.

Natim commented 9 years ago

If you want to let the user add and update its own records and let him read yours you have to use two distincts hawk tokens. One with the read_own_records that will be linked to the records authors and one for your own records.

What we could do is to add differents permission fields to the records:

If you are in own you get them all, and then you can be in either read/update or delete.

leplatrem commented 9 years ago

The first option looks quite consistent! Most use-cases will indeed imply sharing private records publicly using a permalink, that could contain this additional token. Plus, accessing the list of records with this token will give all shared records.

But, however as far as I understand, sharing one record will require being allowed to change the model permissions! It thus implies having the right to take the model ownership too :)

We could also imagine to add a finer grain of permissions (regarding model permissions) but can be a huge overkill to distinguish owner's from others etc.

Your second proposition is interesting :) Let's try to define a API and see if we don't fallback into over-engineering :)

Natim commented 9 years ago

Actually for https://github.com/spiral-project/daybed-cloud-share I will need this kind of behavior.

Natim commented 9 years ago

Does this means we should add an update_records_permissions permission?

Natim commented 9 years ago

I am working on #268 to at least allow somebody to modify the authors_list. It would be a start.