spiraldb / vortex

An extensible, state-of-the-art columnar file format
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Reading a Vortex array in Polars is slower than Parquet #1071

Open danking opened 1 month ago

danking commented 1 month ago

Polars reads the Parquet encoded dataset in 800ms whereas Vortex takes 4s.


Assuming you have the PBI parquet dataset downloaded, write a Vortex file:

import vortex
import pyarrow as pa
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl

vtx = vortex.array(
compressed = vortex.encoding.compress(vtx)
vortex.io.write(compressed, 'bench-vortex/data/PBI/CMSprovider/vortex/CMSprovider_1.vortex')

Parquet takes 800-900ms:

ds = pa.dataset.dataset(
lf = pl.scan_pyarrow_dataset(ds)

Once the VortexDataset PR lands, you'll see that Vortex takes around 3s:

import vortex
import polars as pl

ds = vortex.arrow.VortexDataset(
lf = pl.scan_pyarrow_dataset(ds)
danking commented 1 month ago

It seems like most of the added time over converting to Arrow is just Polars cost, but polars does do a rechunk is around 12% of total time. I'm not sure why Polars is rechunking our array. Maybe coming from here or here?