spiritorai / spiritor

Spiritor is a privacy centric and open source toolkit for writers and content creators utilizing speech-to-text transcription and ai.
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Common ChatGPT prompts #8

Open elioumi opened 2 weeks ago

elioumi commented 2 weeks ago

1) Conjoin newlines in the most logical manner. Do not alter the text or the order of the lines in any way. Reprint the transcript in the suggested prose format.

elioumi commented 2 weeks ago

2) Offer 3 potential titles for the talk.

elioumi commented 2 weeks ago

3) Provide 3 bullet-points summarizing the main points of the discussion.

elioumi commented 2 weeks ago

4) Assess the quality of the spiritual teaching.

elioumi commented 2 weeks ago

5) Reprint the following transcript with any extraneous "so," "um," "alright," or other filler words removed.