spite / THREE.MeshLine

Mesh replacement for THREE.Line
MIT License
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Can it be used in the old version of three.js (version: 71)? #111

Closed pangzx1 closed 3 years ago

pangzx1 commented 3 years ago

I would like to ask, is the THREE.MeshLine.js file you provided suitable for three.js (version: 71)? I want to try to add a custom wide line using the js file you provided, but I have encountered some problems. Below is my problem description and code: My error: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a491f1b744b734765c759dcbb46441c1265bf40d8befc7ffbd7a8f532a75d735.png

My code: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b63b84b276e1e716d9c5238bfe1886532a8bcdab432433960a8ac318fb24861a.png

Jeremboo commented 3 years ago

The THREE.MeshLine v1.0.1 is based on the three.js r73 and might work for you. But you will definitively have breaking changes with the latest 1.3.0 release and maybe the olders too.

But I don't think your error is due to the library itself. It's hard to tell you more without any online demos.