spite / THREE.MeshLine

Mesh replacement for THREE.Line
MIT License
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Add raycast support - This closes #8 #59

Closed kappys1 closed 5 years ago

kappys1 commented 6 years ago

I add the raycast function from THREE.js Library. working with v91 THREE.js solution mentionated in issue #8 Thanks @inDigiNeous and @spite

kappys1 commented 6 years ago

Last Push (merge) for remove conflicts about the last update

gvdlangenberg commented 5 years ago

@spitea any idea if this will be merged some day?

zachzeyuwang commented 5 years ago

@spite Hey would this be merged someday?

spite commented 5 years ago

Merged, thank you!

gvdlangenberg commented 5 years ago

Any README update on how to use raycasting? My raycasting setup is still ignoring the Mesh added to the scene.

ylzon commented 5 years ago

@spite Can you tell me how to use it? Use directly raycaster.intersectObjects Unable to capture

sjlynch commented 5 years ago

@spite @gvdlangenberg @mgss Any of you figure out how to get raycasting working? I have it working for other threejs objects but not THREE.MeshLines. Using three v106dev

I tried playing with raycaster.linePrecision but no dice.

gvdlangenberg commented 5 years ago

No, I figured I could use a CylinderGeometry as well in my case.

sjlynch commented 5 years ago

@gvdlangenberg yeah i'm thinking of just using cubes or cylinders for lines but that's not as flexible as this library :/

zachzeyuwang commented 5 years ago

@sjlynch If you read the source code in line 83: https://github.com/spite/THREE.MeshLine/blob/master/src/THREE.MeshLine.js#L83, the correct way to call this function is your_meshline.raycast(three_raycaster, returned_intersects).

yhdjyyzk commented 4 years ago

@spite It will be better if there is an example about raycast. Thx.

djy2017 commented 4 years ago

@sjlynch If you read the source code in line 83: https://github.com/spite/THREE.MeshLine/blob/master/src/THREE.MeshLine.js#L83, the correct way to call this function is your_meshline.raycast(three_raycaster, returned_intersects).

I have tried , but it did not work.

function Test() {
      scene.traverse((o) => {
        if (o && o.type != 'Scene') {
          let arr = []
          o.raycast(raycaster, arr)
          if(arr.length > 0) {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('red')
          } else {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('green')
Jtfinlay commented 4 years ago

@sjlynch If you read the source code in line 83: https://github.com/spite/THREE.MeshLine/blob/master/src/THREE.MeshLine.js#L83, the correct way to call this function is your_meshline.raycast(three_raycaster, returned_intersects).

I have tried , but it did not work.

function Test() {
      scene.traverse((o) => {
        if (o && o.type != 'Scene') {
          let arr = []
          o.raycast(raycaster, arr)
          if(arr.length > 0) {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('red')
          } else {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('green')

Hey dij2017, I've been working through the same issue as you. The problem is that the PR adds support directly on the MeshLine object, while traversing the scene only acts on the Mesh object. You could either hold the created MeshLine objects, or recreate them from the mesh data during traversal.

I did the latter and it worked for me,

function Test() {
      scene.traverse((o) => {
        if (o && o.type != 'Scene') {
          let arr = []
          o.raycast(raycaster, arr)
          if (o.material && o.material.isMeshLineMaterial) {
              const line = new MeshLine()
              // Converting to Geometry shouldn't be needed, but I hit an issue..
                  new Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(o.geometry)
              line.raycast(raycaster, arr);
          if(arr.length > 0) {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('red')
          } else {
            o.material.color = new THREE.Color('green')