spite / THREE.MeshLine

Mesh replacement for THREE.Line
MIT License
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Positions array is empty when using MeshLine.setGeometry(THREE.Geometry) #79

Open HowardACornwell opened 5 years ago

HowardACornwell commented 5 years ago

Passing a THREE.Geometry to MeshLine.setGeometry() is not working. MeshLine.positions is empty, and MeshLine.next and .previous are [undefined, ...].

Versions are Three.js 102 and MeshLine 1.2

var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, -5))
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, -5))

var line = new MeshLine();

// Console output
console.log('Positions', line.positions)
[Log] Positions – [] (0)

console.log('Previous', line.previous)
[Log] Previous – [undefined, undefined, undefined, …] (6)

console.log('Next', line.next)
[Log] Next – [undefined, undefined, undefined, …] (6)

Using a Float32Array works.

var geometry = new Float32Array([-10, 0, -5, 10, 0, -5])

var line = new MeshLine();

// Console output
console.log('Positions', line.positions)
[Log] Positions – [-10, 0, -5, …] (12)

console.log('Previous', line.previous)
[Log] Previous – [-10, 0, -5, …] (12)

console.log('Next', line.next)
[Log] Next – [10, 0, -5, …] (12)
decmurphy commented 4 years ago

@HowardACornwell I had this issue this week. In case you're still stuck, it was because I was using the three-full npm package, which provides Typescript support to three.js.

My THREE.Geometry was using the three-full namespace instead of the three.js namespace, so in the source code for line.setGeometry(g), the following line failed (which is where the positions get added):

if (g instanceof THREE.Geometry) {

I realised then that three.js provides it's own Typescript support, so I removed three-full from my project and modified it to use the three.js type definitions instead. Everything worked fine then.

P.S This would also explain why your code works using Float32Array, since the positions are added in a different code block, where the condition is:

if (g instanceof Float32Array || g instanceof Array) {

which is true in your case.