spite / WebVR-Extension

Chrome DevTools extension to emulate WebVR API
MIT License
305 stars 43 forks source link

currentLayers is not defined #20

Closed Guitouxx closed 7 years ago

Guitouxx commented 7 years ago


Recently, I have some errors with the WebVR Chrome extention to view the vr examples on threejs.com like the basic one > threejs.com cubes example

When I click on "ENTER VR", I have an error wich says VM396:240 Uncaught ReferenceError: currentLayers is not defined

So the VREffect cannot display the dual view. I suppose it is linked to the recent changes #19 because I didn't have this error a few days ago.

Do you have the same problem? Thank you

spite commented 7 years ago

Yes, apologies. I just realised it was an oversight when releasing 1.1.2

It's now fixed on 1.1.3 https://github.com/spite/WebVR-Extension/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md, which I've just pushed to the Chrome Store. Should be updated in the next 60 minutes or so.

Apologies again for the inconvenience, and thanks for reporting the issue!

Guitouxx commented 7 years ago

Perfect it fixed the bug. Thank you for your reactivity and your great work with this extension !