spl0k / supysonic

Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
260 stars 57 forks source link

publish releases to PyPI #204

Closed khimaros closed 2 years ago

khimaros commented 3 years ago

this would ease installation considerably.

spl0k commented 3 years ago

I don't know why, I've always considered this as a repository for libraries aimed at developers, not something for software distribution. Well I'll look into it then.

pR0Ps commented 3 years ago

@spl0k Even without publishing to PyPI, making this installable entirely from a package would allow people to run pip install git+https://github.com/spl0k/supysonic instead of having to clone it to a directory and install it. This would make it much easier to install as well as update.

Since you're already using Flask/Jinja2, a lot of the pain points of doing this (ie. loading templates and static files from the package) are mostly handled for you. If you want a simple example (<150 LOC + assets), an older project of mine is packaged in this way. Specifically see setup.py's package_data, the jinja2.Environment object, and loading a packaged file.

spl0k commented 3 years ago

Well actually you could run pip install git+https://github.com/spl0k/supysonic to install it, but the's no entry point to run the webserver. I'll keep your pointers around, they may not be necessary since setup.py declares zip_safe=False, but I've read some people advising against the use of this flag...

spl0k commented 2 years ago

Hey all! There's a new Supysonic version available, and it's installable with pip.

I might have messed up a bit the release on PyPI (I noticed an installation issue after I uploaded 😑) so you might get a warning from pip but it should still install and run properly.