spleenware / ripple

Arduino Firmware for Ripple LoRa mesh
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"Not Connected" when sending message #49

Open mdlarussa opened 2 years ago

mdlarussa commented 2 years ago

Built out three modules using the Feather M0 RFM9x boards and the RippleV5-USB-feather.bin firmware. I keep getting "Not connected" when I try to send messages from my Samsung S20. Ripple is configured with USB-OTG, each device is registered on all phones. Only other thing odd is the phone cannot control USB in settings. Says "Couldn't switch" to Controlled by this device. Did I use the wrong firmware? I'm using an OTG cable between Feather and phone. Any assistance would be great!

spleenware commented 2 years ago

The only thing I can think of is perhaps your handset model doesn't support USB OTG. Try one of the 'checker' apps listed on Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=usb%20otg%20checker&c=apps&gl=US

mdlarussa commented 2 years ago

No problem there. I've used several thumb drives and card readers via OTG. That "Couldn't switch" error only happens with this Feather board. I'm looking for any code to put on the feather to mimic OTG to use as a test, but for your code, I loaded the right firmware?