spleenware / ripple

Arduino Firmware for Ripple LoRa mesh
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BME280 on the T-Deck #69

Open torbenleist opened 1 month ago

torbenleist commented 1 month ago

Hello Mr. Powell and the community,

on the '↑+0' menu I found a submenu named 'Weather'. If this submenu is chosen there is a message that states that the BME280 is not present. I couldn't find a cross reference to the BME280 in any Ripple related documentation or project (maybe under sensors?). Is it possible to connect directly a BME280 to the T-Deck (44, 43, VCC, GND on the board as example) or is this some reserved function related to the Messenger/Tactic/Commander apps in connection with other hardware?

Thanks in advance, Torben Leist

spleenware commented 1 month ago

That is for another board that I do the firmware for. I prob should have that disabled for the T-Deck, although if you could somehow find the SDA/SCL pins (18 and 8, I believe) broken out somewhere, then adding a BME280 should work.

torbenleist commented 1 month ago

I got a BME280, used the pins directly on the MCU. SCL on IO08 and SDA on IO18 and VIN/GND on an external power source. The notification that a BME280 is not present was still there. Obviously it didn't work out on the easiest way. Nonetheless thanks for the reply and help.

Good luck for the future!