splewis / csgo-pug-setup

CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for setting up private pug/10man games
GNU General Public License v3.0
412 stars 92 forks source link

Restore round feature #145

Closed ReFi closed 8 years ago

ReFi commented 8 years ago

First of all, thanks for this plugin you made a great job with it. Its not an issue its request. :) Sometimes (player dropped/crashed) would be very handy to restore the match to the previous round or 2 rounds before. CSGO has built in commands for this, but this requires a player with rcon access on the server. Would be much better if pugsetup have a command like ".rest last" or ".rest round02" or something similar solution to restore to the latest round or a chosen round.

"mp_backup_restore_list_files"  game                                             - Lists recent backup round files matching the prefix, most recent files first, ac
"mp_backup_restore_load_autopause" = "1" game                                    - Whether to automatically pause the match after restoring round data from backup
"mp_backup_restore_load_file"  game                                              - Loads player cash, KDA, scores and team scores; resets to the next round after t
"mp_backup_round_auto" = "1" game                                                - If enabled will keep in-memory backups to handle reconnecting players even if th
"mp_backup_round_file" = "backup" game                                           - If set then server will save all played rounds information to files filename_dat
"mp_backup_round_file_last" = "" game                                            - Every time a backup file is written the value of this convar gets updated to hol
"mp_backup_round_file_pattern" = "%prefix%_round%round%.txt" game                - If set then server will save all played rounds information to files named by thi
"sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed" = "1" game notify replicated                  - Can people hold votes to load match from backup?
splewis commented 8 years ago

I don't think this is worth adding to this plugin since it's focused on pugs. It can always be done manually via the rcon commands.

Cruze03 commented 4 years ago
