splewis / get5

CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for competitive matches/scrims
GNU General Public License v3.0
559 stars 176 forks source link

[Bug]: Invalid file id #1016

Closed deLuXe83 closed 1 year ago

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago


Get5 Version


The Issue

Hi! Veto System is working fine now.

But now we have the issue that - after voting workshop maps - we get the error "invalid file id". then when i change the map manually, our cvars in the config file (eg. mp_maxrounds) are not getting executed.

any ideas? thx!! Unbenannt2

Match Configuration

No response

Debug Info

No response

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Please post your match config as instructed by the issue template.

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce this. My workshop maps load correctly after veto. Are you sure that map ID is correct? Match config would help.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

Hi this is the config file

`"Match" { "match_title" "Match 1" "num_maps" "2" // Must be an odd number or 2. 1->Bo1, 2->Bo2, 3->Bo3, etc.

"spectators" // players allowed in spectator (e.g., admins) should go here


"skip_veto"     "0" // If set to 1, the maps will be preset using the first maps in the maplist below.

"veto_first"    "random"  // Set to "team1" or "team2" to select who starts the veto. Any other values will default to team1 starting.
"team1_ban" ""
"team2_ban" ""
"team1_ban" ""
"team2_ban" ""
"team1_pick" ""
"team2_pick" ""

"side_type"     "standard" // Either "standard", "always_knife", or "never_knife" 


    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/mappool.cfg" // Mappool


"players_per_team"      "4"
"min_players_to_ready"      "2" // Minimum # of players a team must have to ready
"min_spectators_to_ready"       "0" // How many spectators must be ready to begin.

    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D

    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D

// These will be executed on each map start or config load.
// You should not use this as a replacement for the cfg/get5/live.cfg config.
    "mp_maxrounds"              "20"
    "mp_overtime_enable"        "0"
    "mp_match_can_clinch"       "0" // 0 = No mercy rule, 1 = team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
    "mp_match_restart_delay" "30"                       // legt fest, wie lange pause nach der map
    "get5_auto_ready_active_players" "1"                // danach dann auto ready
    //"mp_roundtime"                "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
    //"mp_roundtime_hostage"        "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
    //"mp_roundtime_defuse"     "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern




"maplist" {

"workshop/1984383383/de_basalt" "" // Basalt "workshop/2459189885/de_marca" "" // Marca "workshop/726359167/de_shipped" "" // Shipped "workshop/632040311/de_lite" "" // Lite "workshop/1982602598/de_swamp" "" // Swamp "workshop/215971897/de_coldwater" "" // Coldwater "workshop/2458920550/de_tuscan" "" // Tuscan NEU



Thank you!

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

do you think reason could be we are using „de_tuscan“ from workshop?

because when i manually change the map via console „map de_tuscan“, the normal de_tuscan map appears…

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

I suspect this is because the ID is larger than a 32 bit integer for that map specifically, causing the current parser logic to overflow. I can fix this with https://www.sourcemod.net/new-api/string/StringToInt64.

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Fixed in https://github.com/splewis/get5/releases/tag/v0.14.4.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

perfect thank you i will give feedback as soon as i can test it

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

Hi! Now we finally could try the new update!

So the invalid file id error is gone - thanks for that!

But still, the CVARS (which are located in the lower part of the cfg file), are not loaded :( Also then they are not added in the backup file.

Any ideas? many thanks!

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Post the exact, unedited match config you loaded as well as the backup files for that match. I have not heard anything about cvars not being written to backups.

Remember to use 0.14.6 - there were 2 fixes since 0.14.4.

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

If you refer to this:

then when i change the map manually, our cvars in the config file (eg. mp_maxrounds) are not getting executed.

You should't manually change the map. The cvars are loaded when the match config is loaded and at various stages, such as when everyone is ready, before knife, before live etc.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

no, not when i change map manually, this time when the normal match cfg is executed...

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Please do this.

Post the exact, unedited match config you loaded as well as the backup files for that match. I have not heard anything about cvars not being written to backups.

Remember to use 0.14.6 - there were 2 fixes since 0.14.4.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

hi, this is the cfg:

`"Match" { "match_title" "Match 2" "num_maps" "2" // Must be an odd number or 2. 1->Bo1, 2->Bo2, 3->Bo3, etc.

"spectators" // players allowed in spectator (e.g., admins) should go here


"skip_veto"     "0" // If set to 1, the maps will be preset using the first maps in the maplist below.

"veto_first"    "random"  // Set to "team1" or "team2" to select who starts the veto. Any other values will default to team1 starting.
"team1_ban" ""
"team2_ban" ""
"team1_ban" ""
"team2_ban" ""
"team1_pick" ""
"team2_pick" ""

"side_type"     "standard" // Either "standard", "always_knife", or "never_knife" 

    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/mappool.cfg" // Mappool


"players_per_team"      "4"
"min_players_to_ready"      "2" // Minimum # of players a team must have to ready
"min_spectators_to_ready"       "0" // How many spectators must be ready to begin.

    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D

    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
    // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
    "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D

// These will be executed on each map start or config load.
// You should not use this as a replacement for the cfg/get5/live.cfg config.
    "mp_maxrounds"              "20"
    "mp_overtime_enable"        "0"
    "mp_match_can_clinch"       "0" // 0 = No mercy rule, 1 = team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
    "mp_match_restart_delay" "30"                       // legt fest, wie lange pause nach der map
    "cash_team_loser_bonus" "1900"          // Loser Bonus startet mit 1900 (statt 1400)
    "mp_consecutive_loss_max" "3"           // Nach wievielen Runden maximaler Loser Bonus (Standard 4) => auf 3 geändert, weil mit 1900 gestartet wird

    //"mp_roundtime"                "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
    //"mp_roundtime_hostage"        "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
    //"mp_roundtime_defuse"     "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern


and this one of the backup files

"Backup" { "timestamp" "2023-05-05 21:42:47" "matchid" "231" "gamestate" "7" "team1_side" "3" "team2_side" "2" "team1_start_side" "2" "team2_start_side" "3" "team1_series_score" "0" "team2_series_score" "0" "series_draw" "0" "team1_tac_pauses_used" "0" "team2_tac_pauses_used" "0" "team1_tech_pauses_used" "0" "team2_tech_pauses_used" "0" "team1_pause_time_used" "0" "team2_pause_time_used" "0" "mapnumber" "0" "maps" { "de_ancient" "1" "workshop__slash__580446503__slash__de_tulip" "0" } "map_scores" { "0" { "team1" "0" "team2" "0" } "1" { "team1" "0" "team2" "0" } } "Match" { "matchid" "231" "scrim" "0" "skip_veto" "0" "num_maps" "2" "players_per_team" "4" "coaches_per_team" "2" "coaches_must_ready" "0" "min_players_to_ready" "2" "min_spectators_to_ready" "0" "match_title" "Match 2" "clinch_series" "1" "wingman" "0" "favored_percentage_team1" "0" "side_type" "standard" "maplist" { "de_ancient" "__placeholder" "workshop__slash__580446503__slash__de_tulip" "__placeholder" "workshop__slash__1982602598__slash__de_swamp" "__placeholder" "de_vertigo" "__placeholder" "workshop__slash__2664747046__slash__de_vara" "__placeholder" "workshop__slash__123518981__slash__de_favela" "__placeholder" "workshop__slash__727462766__slash__de_austria" "__placeholder" } "team1" { "players" { "76561198018584388" "__placeholder" "76561198073369697" "__placeholder" "76561198136247666" "__placeholder" "76561198013444801" "__placeholder" } "name" "TEAM_C" "tag" "[C]" "flag" "DE" } "team2" { "players" { "76561198847241077" "__placeholder" "76561197963572337" "__placeholder" "76561198069687775" "__placeholder" "76561198358031700" "__placeholder" } "name" "TEAM_D" "tag" "[D]" "flag" "DE" } "spectators" { "name" "casters" } "cvars" { "get5_web_api_key" "__placeholder" "get5_web_api_url" "__placeholder" } } "valve_backup" { "timestamp" "2023-05-05 21:42:47" "team1" "TEAM_D" "team2" "TEAM_C" "map" "de_ancient" "round" "10" "FirstHalfScore" { "team1" "6" "team2" "4" } "History" { "NumConsecutiveTerroristLoses" "2" "NumConsecutiveCTLoses" "1" "LoserBonus" "1900" "LoserMostRecentTeam" "CT" } "RoundResults" { "round1" "5" "round2" "5" "round3" "5" "round4" "1" "round5" "1" "round6" "1" "round7" "1" "round8" "1" "round9" "3" "round10" "5" "round11" "0" "round12" "0" "round13" "0" "round14" "0" "round15" "0" "round16" "0" "round17" "0" "round18" "0" "round19" "0" "round20" "0" "round21" "0" "round22" "0" "round23" "0" "round24" "0" "round25" "0" "round26" "0" "round27" "0" "round28" "0" "round29" "0" "round30" "0" } "PlayersAliveT" { "round1" "2" "round2" "4" "round3" "2" "round4" "0" "round5" "0" "round6" "0" "round7" "0" "round8" "0" "round9" "0" "round10" "2" "round11" "63" "round12" "63" "round13" "63" "round14" "63" "round15" "63" "round16" "63" "round17" "63" "round18" "63" "round19" "63" "round20" "63" "round21" "63" "round22" "63" "round23" "63" "round24" "63" "round25" "63" "round26" "63" "round27" "63" "round28" "63" "round29" "63" "round30" "63" } "PlayersAliveCT" { "round1" "0" "round2" "0" "round3" "0" "round4" "2" "round5" "4" "round6" "4" "round7" "3" "round8" "3" "round9" "2" "round10" "0" "round11" "63" "round12" "63" "round13" "63" "round14" "63" "round15" "63" "round16" "63" "round17" "63" "round18" "63" "round19" "63" "round20" "63" "round21" "63" "round22" "63" "round23" "63" "round24" "63" "round25" "63" "round26" "63" "round27" "63" "round28" "63" "round29" "63" "round30" "63" } "Timeouts" { "team1" "1" "team2" "1" "technical" { "team1" "0" "team2" "0" } } "PlayersOnTeam1" { "886975349" { "name" "floetenmann" "kills" "6" "assists" "1" "deaths" "6" "mvps" "2" "score" "14" "cash" "14400" "enemyKs" "6" "enemyHSs" "0" "enemy2Ks" "3" "enemy3Ks" "0" "enemy4Ks" "0" "enemy5Ks" "0" "enemyKAg" "6" "enemyDamageDealt" "0" "firstKs" "0" "clutchKs" "0" "kills_weapon_pistol" "0" "kills_weapon_sniper" "5" "roundsWon" "6" "helmet" "0" "MatchStats" { "EquipmentValue" { "round1" "850" "round2" "800" "round3" "200" "round4" "700" "round5" "7650" "round6" "7850" "round7" "7850" "round8" "8050" "round9" "5950" "round10" "8250" } "MoneySaved" { "round1" "150" "round2" "1950" "round3" "3150" "round4" "2750" "round5" "2450" "round6" "5200" "round7" "8150" "round8" "10400" "round9" "12650" "round10" "12500" } "LiveTime" { "round1" "28" "round2" "61" "round3" "23" "round4" "62" "round5" "26" "round6" "102" "round8" "83" "round10" "10" } "deaths" { "round1" "1" "round2" "1" "round3" "1" "round4" "1" "round8" "1" "round10" "1" } "CashEarned" { "round1" "2550" "round2" "3150" "round3" "3450" "round4" "5350" "round5" "5900" "round6" "8450" "round7" "11600" "round8" "13650" "round9" "14750" "round10" "14400" } "damage" { "round2" "46" "round4" "38" "round5" "200" "round7" "191" "round8" "90" "round9" "200" } "kills" { "round5" "2" "round7" "2" "round9" "2" } "KillReward" { "round5" "7650" "round7" "7850" "round9" "5950" } "UtilityDamage" { "round5" "4" "round9" "24" } "assists" { "round8" "1" } "Totals" { "kills" "6" "damage" "765" "EquipmentValue" "48150" "KillReward" "800" "LiveTime" "168" "deaths" "6" "assists" "1" "HeadshotKills" "0" "objective" "0" "CashEarned" "31150" "UtilityDamage" "28" "UtilityCount" "3" "UtilitySuccesses" "2" "UtilityEnemies" "2" "FlashCount" "1" "FlashSuccesses" "0" "EnemiesFlashed" "0" "1v1Count" "0" "1v1Wins" "0" "1v2Count" "0" "1v2Wins" "0" "EntryCount" "3" "EntryWins" "0" } } "WeaponPurchases" { "DefIndex_1" "1" "DefIndex_3" "1" "DefIndex_31" "1" "DefIndex_43" "1" "DefIndex_44" "1" "DefIndex_45" "1" "DefIndex_48" "1" "DefIndex_50" "1" "DefIndex_51" "1" "DefIndex_55" "1" } "ItemCooldown" { "heavyassaultsuit" "-10" } } "109422047" { "name" "komMando" "kills" "16" "assists" "0" "deaths" "4" "mvps" "3" "score" "34" "cash" "13450" "enemyKs" "16" "enemyHSs" "3" "enemy2Ks" "2" "enemy3Ks" "0" "enemy4Ks" "2" "enemy5Ks" "0" "enemyKAg" "16" "enemyDamageDealt" "44" "firstKs" "4" "clutchKs" "0" "kills_weapon_pistol" "1" "kills_weapon_sniper" "4" "roundsWon" "6" "helmet" "0" "MatchStats" { "EquipmentValue" { "round1" "800" "round2" "200" "round3" "4800" "round4" "1450" "round5" "4750" "round6" "6600" "round7" "6600" "round8" "8050" "round9" "6600" "round10" "6600" } "MoneySaved" { "round1" "200" "round2" "2600" "round3" "100" "round4" "2550" "round5" "1850" "round6" "1400" "round7" "5200" "round8" "7650" "round9" "8000" "round10" "11250" } "LiveTime" { "round1" "26" "round2" "24" "round3" "97" "round4" "36" "round5" "26" "round6" "102" "round7" "28" "round8" "63" "round10" "55" } "deaths" { "round1" "1" "round2" "1" "round3" "1" "round10" "1" } "CashEarned" { "round1" "2600" "round2" "4700" "round3" "3800" "round4" "3900" "round5" "5400" "round6" "5850" "round7" "8750" "round8" "11300" "round9" "12400" "round10" "13450" } "kills" { "round3" "1" "round4" "1" "round5" "2" "round6" "4" "round7" "1" "round8" "4" "round9" "2" "round10" "1" } "damage" { "round3" "100" "round4" "98" "round5" "200" "round6" "389" "round7" "100" "round8" "310" "round9" "156" "round10" "44" } "KillReward" { "round3" "4800" "round4" "1450" "round5" "4750" "round6" "6600" "round7" "6600" "round8" "8050" "round9" "6600" "round10" "300" } "HeadshotKills" { "round4" "1" "round6" "1" "round9" "1" } "objective" { "round9" "1" } "Totals" { "kills" "16" "damage" "1397" "EquipmentValue" "46450" "KillReward" "4300" "LiveTime" "137" "deaths" "4" "assists" "0" "HeadshotKills" "3" "objective" "1" "CashEarned" "34950" "UtilityDamage" "0" "UtilityCount" "0" "UtilitySuccesses" "0" "UtilityEnemies" "0" "FlashCount" "1" "FlashSuccesses" "0" "EnemiesFlashed" "0" "1v1Count" "0" "1v1Wins" "0" "1v2Count" "1" "1v2Wins" "0" "EntryCount" "5" "EntryWins" "4" } } "WeaponPurchases" { "DefIndex_3" "1" "DefIndex_8" "1" "DefIndex_10" "1" "DefIndex_34" "1" "DefIndex_43" "1" "DefIndex_44" "1" "DefIndex_45" "1" "DefIndex_48" "1" "DefIndex_50" "1" "DefIndex_51" "1" "DefIndex_55" "1" } "ItemCooldown" { "heavyassaultsuit" "-10" } } "397765972" { "name" "Kurz02" "kills" "4" "assists" "0" "deaths" "6" "mvps" "0" "score" "8" "cash" "7900" "enemyKs" "4" "enemyHSs" "0" "enemy2Ks" "0" "enemy3Ks" "0" "enemy4Ks" "0" "enemy5Ks" "0" "enemyKAg" "4" "enemyDamageDealt" "100" "firstKs" "0" "clutchKs" "1" "kills_weapon_pistol" "1" "kills_weapon_sniper" "0" "roundsWon" "6" "helmet" "0" "MatchStats" { "kills" { "round1" "1" "round3" "1" "round7" "1" "round10" "1" } "damage" { "round1" "116" "round3" "100" "round4" "29" "round7" "12" "round10" "100" } "EquipmentValue" { "round1" "200" "round2" "200" "round3" "4500" "round4" "3100" "round5" "4500" "round6" "4900" "round7" "5400" "round8" "6200" "round9" "6200" "round10" "6800" } "MoneySaved" { "round1" "800" "round2" "2850" "round3" "750" "round4" "1550" "round5" "500" "round6" "3350" "round7" "6100" "round8" "9050" "round9" "9000" "round10" "5700" } "KillReward" { "round1" "200" "round3" "4500" "round7" "5400" "round10" "300" } "LiveTime" { "round1" "45" "round2" "30" "round3" "57" "round4" "77" "round5" "26" "round6" "102" "round7" "28" "round9" "16" "round10" "21" } "deaths" { "round1" "1" "round2" "1" "round3" "1" "round4" "1" "round9" "1" "round10" "1" } "CashEarned" { "round1" "2850" "round2" "5050" "round3" "4450" "round4" "4800" "round5" "3750" "round6" "6600" "round7" "9650" "round8" "12300" "round9" "12500" "round10" "7900" } "Totals" { "kills" "4" "damage" "357" "EquipmentValue" "42000" "KillReward" "1200" "LiveTime" "210" "deaths" "6" "assists" "0" "HeadshotKills" "0" "objective" "0" "CashEarned" "31550" "UtilityDamage" "0" "UtilityCount" "1" "UtilitySuccesses" "0" "UtilityEnemies" "0" "FlashCount" "0" "FlashSuccesses" "0" "EnemiesFlashed" "0" "1v1Count" "0" "1v1Wins" "0" "1v2Count" "1" "1v2Wins" "0" "EntryCount" "1" "EntryWins" "0" } } "WeaponPurchases" { "DefIndex_1" "1" "DefIndex_8" "1" "DefIndex_43" "1" "DefIndex_44" "1" "DefIndex_45" "1" "DefIndex_48" "1" "DefIndex_50" "1" "DefIndex_51" "1" "DefIndex_55" "1" "DefIndex_60" "1" } "ItemCooldown" { "heavyassaultsuit" "-10" } } "3306609" { "name" "sChmierLapp" "kills" "4" "assists" "3" "deaths" "6" "mvps" "1" "score" "11" "cash" "7850" "enemyKs" "4" "enemyHSs" "2" "enemy2Ks" "0" "enemy3Ks" "1" "enemy4Ks" "0" "enemy5Ks" "0" "enemyKAg" "4" "enemyDamageDealt" "78" "firstKs" "0" "clutchKs" "0" "kills_weapon_pistol" "1" "kills_weapon_sniper" "0" "roundsWon" "6" "helmet" "0" "MatchStats" { "kills" { "round1" "1" "round4" "3" } "damage" { "round1" "142" "round2" "7" "round3" "63" "round4" "235" "round7" "97" "round9" "44" "round10" "78" } "EquipmentValue" { "round1" "850" "round2" "200" "round3" "5100" "round4" "200" "round5" "5500" "round6" "5900" "round7" "5900" "round8" "6100" "round9" "6100" "round10" "6600" } "MoneySaved" { "round1" "150" "round2" "2850" "round3" "350" "round4" "3750" "round5" "3150" "round6" "5500" "round7" "8450" "round8" "5800" "round9" "9050" "round10" "5950" } "KillReward" { "round1" "850" "round4" "200" } "LiveTime" { "round1" "54" "round2" "23" "round3" "102" "round4" "36" "round5" "26" "round7" "116" 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"2kill_rounds" "0" "3kill_rounds" "0" "4kill_rounds" "0" "5kill_rounds" "0" "v1" "0" "v2" "0" "v3" "0" "v4" "0" "v5" "0" "firstkill_t" "0" "firstkill_ct" "0" "firstdeath_t" "0" "firstdeath_ct" "0" "tradekill" "0" "kast" "4" "contribution_score" "6" "mvp" "0" "init" "1" } "76561198073369697" { "name" "marF" "coaching" "0" "kills" "4" "deaths" "8" "assists" "1" "flashbang_assists" "0" "teamkills" "0" "suicides" "0" "damage" "379" "util_damage" "12" "enemies_flashed" "2" "friendlies_flashed" "3" "knife_kills" "0" "headshot_kills" "1" "roundsplayed" "10" "bomb_defuses" "0" "bomb_plants" "2" "1kill_rounds" "4" "2kill_rounds" "0" "3kill_rounds" "0" "4kill_rounds" "0" "5kill_rounds" "0" "v1" "0" "v2" "0" "v3" "0" "v4" "0" "v5" "0" "firstkill_t" "1" "firstkill_ct" "0" "firstdeath_t" "1" "firstdeath_ct" "0" "tradekill" "0" "kast" "5" "contribution_score" "14" "mvp" "0" "init" "1" } } "starting_side" "2" "score" "4" "score_t" "4" "score_ct" "0" } "team2" { "players" { "76561198847241077" { 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"2" "5kill_rounds" "0" "v1" "0" "v2" "0" "v3" "0" "v4" "0" "v5" "0" "firstkill_t" "0" "firstkill_ct" "4" "firstdeath_t" "0" "firstdeath_ct" "1" "tradekill" "1" "kast" "8" "contribution_score" "34" "mvp" "3" "init" "1" } "76561198358031700" { "name" "Kurz_02" "coaching" "0" "kills" "4" "deaths" "6" "assists" "0" "flashbang_assists" "0" "teamkills" "0" "suicides" "0" "damage" "357" "util_damage" "0" "enemies_flashed" "0" "friendlies_flashed" "0" "knife_kills" "0" "headshot_kills" "0" "roundsplayed" "10" "bomb_defuses" "0" "bomb_plants" "0" "1kill_rounds" "4" "2kill_rounds" "0" "3kill_rounds" "0" "4kill_rounds" "0" "5kill_rounds" "0" "v1" "0" "v2" "0" "v3" "0" "v4" "0" "v5" "0" "firstkill_t" "0" "firstkill_ct" "0" "firstdeath_t" "0" "firstdeath_ct" "1" "tradekill" "0" "kast" "7" "contribution_score" "8" "mvp" "0" "init" "1" } "76561197963572337" { "name" "sChmierLapp" "coaching" "0" "kills" "4" "deaths" "6" "assists" "3" "flashbang_assists" "0" "teamkills" "0" "suicides" "0" "damage" "666" "util_damage" "71" "enemies_flashed" "0" "friendlies_flashed" "1" "knife_kills" "0" "headshot_kills" "2" "roundsplayed" "10" "bomb_defuses" "0" "bomb_plants" "0" "1kill_rounds" "1" "2kill_rounds" "0" "3kill_rounds" "1" "4kill_rounds" "0" "5kill_rounds" "0" "v1" "0" "v2" "0" "v3" "0" "v4" "0" "v5" "0" "firstkill_t" "0" "firstkill_ct" "0" "firstdeath_t" "0" "firstdeath_ct" "1" "tradekill" "0" "kast" "8" "contribution_score" "11" "mvp" "1" "init" "1" } } "starting_side" "3" "score" "6" "score_ct" "6" "score_t" "0" } "mapname" "de_ancient" } } }

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce this. This match config works for me with 0.14.6 and generates this backup file:


    "match_title" "Match 2"
    "num_maps" "2" // Must be an odd number or 2. 1->Bo1, 2->Bo2, 3->Bo3, etc.
    "spectators" // players allowed in spectator (e.g., admins) should go here

    "skip_veto"     "0" // If set to 1, the maps will be preset using the first maps in the maplist below.
    "veto_first"    "random"  // Set to "team1" or "team2" to select who starts the veto. Any other values will default to team1 starting.
        "team1_ban" ""
        "team2_ban" ""
        "team1_ban" ""
        "team2_ban" ""
        "team1_pick" ""
        "team2_pick" ""
    "side_type"     "standard" // Either "standard", "always_knife", or "never_knife"
        "fromfile" "addons/sourcemod/maps.cfg"
    "players_per_team"      "4"
    "min_players_to_ready"      "2" // Minimum # of players a team must have to ready
    "min_spectators_to_ready"       "0" // How many spectators must be ready to begin.
        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
        "fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/teamD.cfg"    // Team D


        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
        // "fromfile"       "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
        //"fromfile"        "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D
            "76561199473694129" "nyx2"
    // These will be executed on each map start or config load.
    // You should not use this as a replacement for the cfg/get5/live.cfg config.
        "mp_maxrounds"              "20"
        "mp_overtime_enable"        "0"
        "mp_match_can_clinch"       "0" // 0 = No mercy rule, 1 = team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
        "mp_match_restart_delay" "30"                       // legt fest, wie lange pause nach der map
        "cash_team_loser_bonus" "1900"          // Loser Bonus startet mit 1900 (statt 1400)
        "mp_consecutive_loss_max" "3"           // Nach wievielen Runden maximaler Loser Bonus (Standard 4) => auf 3 geändert, weil mit 1900 gestartet wird

        //"mp_roundtime"                "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
        //"mp_roundtime_hostage"        "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
        //"mp_roundtime_defuse"     "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern


        "timestamp"             "2023-05-06 13:01:13"
        "gamestate"             "3"
        "team1_side"            "3"
        "team2_side"            "2"
        "team1_start_side"              "3"
        "team2_start_side"              "2"
        "team1_series_score"            "0"
        "team2_series_score"            "0"
        "series_draw"           "0"
        "team1_tac_pauses_used"         "0"
        "team2_tac_pauses_used"         "0"
        "team1_tech_pauses_used"                "0"
        "team2_tech_pauses_used"                "0"
        "team1_pause_time_used"         "0"
        "team2_pause_time_used"         "0"
        "mapnumber"             "0"
                "de_dust2"              "2"
                "de_mirage"             "2"
                        "team1"         "0"
                        "team2"         "0"
                        "team1"         "0"
                        "team2"         "0"
                "scrim"         "0"
                "skip_veto"             "1"
                "num_maps"              "2"
                "players_per_team"              "4"
                "coaches_per_team"              "2"
                "coaches_must_ready"            "0"
                "min_players_to_ready"          "2"
                "min_spectators_to_ready"               "0"
                "match_title"           "Match 2"
                "clinch_series"         "1"
                "wingman"               "0"
                "favored_percentage_team1"              "0"
                "side_type"             "standard"
                        "de_dust2"              "__placeholder"
                        "de_mirage"             "__placeholder"
                                "76561199473694121"             "asdasd"
                                "76561199473694129"             "nyx2"
                        "name"          "casters"
                        "mp_maxrounds"          "20"
                        "mp_overtime_enable"            "0"
                        "mp_match_can_clinch"           "0"
                        "mp_match_restart_delay"                "30"
                        "cash_team_loser_bonus"         "1900"
                        "mp_consecutive_loss_max"               "3"
                "series_type"           "bo2"
nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Also note that you cannot combine veto_first with veto_mode.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

Also note that you cannot combine veto_first with veto_mode.

yes i know. unfortunately ;-)

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce this. This match config works for me with 0.14.6 and generates this backup file:


    "match_title" "Match 2"
    "num_maps" "2" // Must be an odd number or 2. 1->Bo1, 2->Bo2, 3->Bo3, etc.
    "spectators" // players allowed in spectator (e.g., admins) should go here

    "skip_veto"       "0" // If set to 1, the maps will be preset using the first maps in the maplist below.
    "veto_first"  "random"  // Set to "team1" or "team2" to select who starts the veto. Any other values will default to team1 starting.
        "team1_ban" ""
        "team2_ban" ""
        "team1_ban" ""
        "team2_ban" ""
        "team1_pick" ""
        "team2_pick" ""
    "side_type"       "standard" // Either "standard", "always_knife", or "never_knife"
        "fromfile" "addons/sourcemod/maps.cfg"
    "players_per_team"        "4"
    "min_players_to_ready"        "2" // Minimum # of players a team must have to ready
    "min_spectators_to_ready"     "0" // How many spectators must be ready to begin.
        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
        "fromfile"        "addons/sourcemod/teamD.cfg"    // Team D


        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamA.cfg"   // Team A
        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamB.cfg"   // Team B
        // "fromfile"     "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamC.cfg"   // Team C
        //"fromfile"      "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/turnier/teamD.cfg"   // Team D
            "76561199473694129" "nyx2"
    // These will be executed on each map start or config load.
    // You should not use this as a replacement for the cfg/get5/live.cfg config.
        "mp_maxrounds"                "20"
        "mp_overtime_enable"      "0"
        "mp_match_can_clinch"     "0" // 0 = No mercy rule, 1 = team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
        "mp_match_restart_delay" "30"                     // legt fest, wie lange pause nach der map
        "cash_team_loser_bonus" "1900"            // Loser Bonus startet mit 1900 (statt 1400)
        "mp_consecutive_loss_max" "3"         // Nach wievielen Runden maximaler Loser Bonus (Standard 4) => auf 3 geändert, weil mit 1900 gestartet wird

        //"mp_roundtime"              "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
        //"mp_roundtime_hostage"      "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern
        //"mp_roundtime_defuse"       "1.82"                  // Für 4v4 Rundenzeit verringern


        "timestamp"             "2023-05-06 13:01:13"
        "gamestate"             "3"
        "team1_side"            "3"
        "team2_side"            "2"
        "team1_start_side"              "3"
        "team2_start_side"              "2"
        "team1_series_score"            "0"
        "team2_series_score"            "0"
        "series_draw"           "0"
        "team1_tac_pauses_used"         "0"
        "team2_tac_pauses_used"         "0"
        "team1_tech_pauses_used"                "0"
        "team2_tech_pauses_used"                "0"
        "team1_pause_time_used"         "0"
        "team2_pause_time_used"         "0"
        "mapnumber"             "0"
                "de_dust2"              "2"
                "de_mirage"             "2"
                        "team1"         "0"
                        "team2"         "0"
                        "team1"         "0"
                        "team2"         "0"
                "scrim"         "0"
                "skip_veto"             "1"
                "num_maps"              "2"
                "players_per_team"              "4"
                "coaches_per_team"              "2"
                "coaches_must_ready"            "0"
                "min_players_to_ready"          "2"
                "min_spectators_to_ready"               "0"
                "match_title"           "Match 2"
                "clinch_series"         "1"
                "wingman"               "0"
                "favored_percentage_team1"              "0"
                "side_type"             "standard"
                        "de_dust2"              "__placeholder"
                        "de_mirage"             "__placeholder"
                                "76561199473694121"             "asdasd"
                                "76561199473694129"             "nyx2"
                        "name"          "casters"
                        "mp_maxrounds"          "20"
                        "mp_overtime_enable"            "0"
                        "mp_match_can_clinch"           "0"
                        "mp_match_restart_delay"                "30"
                        "cash_team_loser_bonus"         "1900"
                        "mp_consecutive_loss_max"               "3"
                "series_type"           "bo2"

okay... thanks for your reply.

do you think it could be related to the "fromfile" command? because on my "normal" cfg that i use when we are not playing with 4 teams, cvars get executed as well (on 14.4 and below as well)....

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

I used fromfile in team and map list and it worked correctly, as you can see. I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Never mind last comment. I figured it out. It's only if:

  1. You use KeyValues, not JSON
  2. You use veto_mode and cvars
  3. You have skip_veto: false and you have maplist.length > num_maps (which I didn't have when testing).

I've fixed it with 0.14.7: https://github.com/splewis/get5/releases/tag/v0.14.7

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

wow you‘re awesome!! thank you very much! I will update and give feedback as soon as possible!

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago


Still having issues on playing workshop maps :)

From time to time after one workshoip map is finished, it won't switch to next workshop map. Manually change to e.g. dust2 is working. After that mapchange to workshop map works.

This console output: [Get5] The map will change once GOTV has finished broadcasting. Completed GOTV demo "2023-06-08_23_252_map4_de_abbey.dem", recording time 2657.5 StopRecording: 3360 frames flushed in 2.33 seconds Net channel ratelimit exceeded for 37 packets rejected. [Get5] The map will change once GOTV has finished broadcasting. [Get5] Changing map to de_DONOTBANPICK... [Get5] The map will change once GOTV has finished broadcasting. CHANGELEVEL: Looking for next level in mapgroup '1215935299' Looking for next map in mapgroup '1215935299'... CHANGELEVEL: Choosing map 'workshop/1215935299/de_abbey' (previous was workshop/1215935299/de_abbey) CHANGELEVEL: Not changing level, mp_match_end_restart is false, mp_match_end_changelevel is false and next is the same EVERYONE CAN BUY!

'mp_match_end_restart' is set to '1' in cfg file.

Any ideas?


nickdnk commented 1 year ago

What is de_DONOTBANPICK supposed to do?

I don't see any errors in the log, so I'm not sure what the log is supposed to highlight.

It would also be helpful if you would create a new issue and fill out the template, including the match config, as this has nothing to do with invalid file ID.

deLuXe83 commented 1 year ago

What is de_DONOTBANPICK supposed to do?

I don't see any errors in the log, so I'm not sure what the log is supposed to highlight.

It would also be helpful if you would create a new issue and fill out the template, including the match config, as this has nothing to do with invalid file ID.

thank you for your reply - done => https://github.com/splewis/get5/issues/1030