Closed xenius closed 6 years ago
I know you're hiding names/steamids, but is that how your scrim template for team1 is formatted?
"*" "x"
"*" "x"
"*" "x"
"*" "x"
"*" "x"
It's supposed to look like the example:
"steamid1" "name1"
"steamid2" "name2"
"steamid3" "name3"
"steamid4" "name4"
"steamid5" "name5"
"steamid6" "name6"
yes it is formatted like i posted. Editing the files now. I will post an update when i can. Thanks
Same problem with:
"matchid" "scrim"
"scrim" "1"
"side_type" "never_knife"
"players_per_team" "5"
"num_maps" "1"
"skip_veto" "1"
// Short tags replace the "clan tag" on the scoreboard. They are optional.
"name" "name"
"flag" "BE"
"tag" "name*"
"STEAM_0:0:187" ""
"STEAM_0:1:26" ""
"STEAM_0:1:15" ""
"STEAM_0:0:524" ""
"STEAM_0:1:8" ""
"get5_live_countdown_time" "5"
"mp_halftime_duration" "15"
"mp_match_can_clinch" "1"
"mp_overtime_enable" "1"
"get5_max_pauses" "0"
"get5_max_pause_time" "0"
"get5_fixed_pause_time" "0"
"get5_pausing_enabled" "1"
"get5_check_auths" "0"
"get5_demo_name_format" "scrim_{TIME}_{MAPNAME}"
"get5_kick_when_no_match_loaded" "0"
"get5_print_damage" "1"
"name" "AWAY"
"flag" "EU"
"tag" "AWAY *"
I can't reproduce any problems. I'd try just running rcon tv_record test
and see if the server lags, or disabling gotv (you could test by doing get5_scrim
then get5_forceready
No problem at all when I'm alone on the server starting a match. (With GOTV enabled)
But it seems when the scrim_template.cfg needs to change the names or tags or whatever settings when there is 10 people on the server i get that warning: connection problem message for a second.
out of curiosity, do you use mysqlstats?
Based on
get5_mysql_force_matchid = NULL CVAR
He does not.
I've reinstalled my server, and all plugins, all up to date versions. Lets see if it gets fixed.
Same problem unfortunately...
Finally found the problem. it has something to do with tv_delay i changed this in every possible config to 0 (everywhere the same) and now it works fine. Thanks for this awesome plugin!
That's surprising, but probably indicated either some problem with your configs for CS:GO itself.
Either way, I don't think it's a get5 issue. Thanks for posting an update on your problem!
Hi! I have a minor problem with my server running the get5 plugin. Everytime the match is about to begin the servers hangs for a second and everyone gets a warning connection in red letters top right corner.
Does this have anything to do with the gotv delay or something i can't figure it out. I thought it had something to do with the team tags or something that get generated in the start of the match but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I only am running SM & MM and get5 (i disable practicemode everytime we want to scrim, plugins\disabled) So get5 is the only plugin with sourcemod running.
Debug log: Time: 12/27/2017 - 23:22:09 Plugin version: 0.5.4 sourcemod_version = metamod_version = 1.10.7-devV
Global state: g_GameState = 0 (none) g_MatchID = scrim g_MapsToWin = 1 g_BO2Match = 0 g_LastVetoTeam = 1 g_MapPoolList (length 1) = [0] -> de_inferno g_MapsToPlay (length 1) = [0] -> de_inferno g_MapsLeftInVetoPool (length 1) = [0] -> de_inferno g_MatchTitle = Map {MAPNUMBER} of {MAXMAPS} g_PlayersPerTeam = 5 g_MinPlayersToReady = 0 g_MinSpectatorsToReady = 0 g_SkipVeto = 1 g_MatchSideType = 2 g_InScrimMode = 1 g_HasKnifeRoundStarted = 0 g_MapChangePending = 0 g_PendingSideSwap = 0 g_WaitingForRoundBackup = 0 g_SavedValveBackup = 0 g_DoingBackupRestoreNow = 0 Team info for team team1 (0): g_TeamNames = * g_TeamAuths (length 5) = [0] -> 7 [1] -> 7 [2] -> 7 [3] -> 7 [4] -> 7 g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = {LIGHT_GREEN}Endeavor{NORMAL} g_TeamFlags = BE g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_TeamSide = T (2) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 3 g_TeamPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TeamPausesUsed = 0 g_ReadyTimeWaitingUsed = 0 Team info for team team2 (1): g_TeamNames = Away g_TeamAuths (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = {PINK}Away{NORMAL} g_TeamFlags = EU g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_TeamSide = CT (3) g_TeamSeriesScores = 1 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 2 g_TeamPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TeamPausesUsed = 0 g_ReadyTimeWaitingUsed = 0 Team info for team spec (2): g_TeamNames = g_TeamAuths (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TeamPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TeamPausesUsed = 0 g_ReadyTimeWaitingUsed = 0 Team info for team none (3): g_TeamNames = g_TeamAuths (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TeamPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TeamPausesUsed = 0 g_ReadyTimeWaitingUsed = 0
Interesting cvars: get5_autoload_config = get5_check_auths = 1 get5_fixed_pause_time = 0 get5_kick_when_no_match_loaded = 0 get5_live_cfg = get5/live.cfg get5_max_pause_time = 300 get5_max_pauses = 0 get5_mysql_force_matchid = NULL CVAR get5_pausing_enabled = 1 get5_reset_pauses_each_half = 1 get5_web_api_url = NULL CVAR mp_freezetime = 15 mp_halftime = 1 mp_halftime_duration = 15.0 mp_halftime_pausetimer = 0 mp_match_end_restart = 1 mp_maxrounds = 30 mp_overtime_enable = 0 mp_overtime_halftime_pausetimer = 0 mp_overtime_maxrounds = 6 mp_round_restart_delay = 5 mp_timelimit = 0 mp_warmup_pausetimer = 0 mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected = 0 sv_coaching_enabled = 1 tv_delay = 0 tv_enable = 1
Last log info from addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20171227.log: L 12/27/2017 - 23:22:09: [get5.smx] Failed to find cvar: "get5_web_api_url" L 12/27/2017 - 23:22:09: [get5.smx] Failed to find cvar: "get5_mysql_force_matchid" L 12/27/2017 - 23:22:09: Info (map "de_inferno") (file "errors_20171227.log") L 12/27/2017 - 23:22:09: SourceMod error session started
Last log info from addons/sourcemod/logs/get5_debuginfo.txt:
But thats not really the log of the game, i did the console command after (get5_debuginfo)
Is there a way i can get you a better log or something? But i seriously think it has something to do with gotv.
My Live.CFG: ammo_grenade_limit_default 1 ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 2 ammo_grenade_limit_total 4 bot_kick bot_quota 0 mp_afterroundmoney 0 mp_autokick 0 mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_backup_restore_load_autopause 0 mp_backup_round_auto 1 mp_buytime 15 mp_c4timer 40 mp_ct_default_secondary "weapon_hkp2000" mp_death_drop_gun 1 mp_endmatch_votenextmap 0 mp_free_armor 0 mp_freezetime 15 mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_give_player_c4 1 mp_halftime_duration 60 mp_halftime_pausetimer 0 mp_halftime_pausematch 1 mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 0 mp_limitteams 0 mp_match_end_restart 1 mp_maxmoney 16000 mp_maxrounds 30 mp_overtime_enable 1 mp_overtime_halftime_pausetimer 0 mp_overtime_maxrounds 6 mp_overtime_startmoney 10000 mp_respawn_immunitytime 0 mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0 mp_respawn_on_death_t 0 mp_round_restart_delay 5 mp_roundtime 1.92 mp_roundtime_defuse 1.92 mp_roundtime_hostage 1.92 mp_solid_teammates 1 mp_startmoney 800 mp_t_default_secondary "weapon_glock" mp_timelimit 0 spec_freeze_deathanim_time 0 spec_freeze_panel_extended_time 0 spec_freeze_time 2 spec_freeze_time_lock 2 sv_allow_votes 0 sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end 0 sv_coaching_enabled 1 sv_competitive_official_5v5 1 sv_damage_print_enable 0 sv_deadtalk 0 sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 300 sv_holiday_mode 0 sv_talk_enemy_dead 0 sv_talk_enemy_living 0 sv_voiceenable 1 tv_delay 0 tv_delaymapchange 1 tv_relayvoice 0 mp_respawnwavetime_ct 10 mp_respawnwavetime_t 10 mp_match_restart_delay 10 mp_win_panel_display_time 3
My scrim_template.cfg
"Match" { "matchid" "scrim" "scrim" "1" "side_type" "never_knife" "players_per_team" "5" "num_maps" "1" "skip_veto" "1"
just hiding some names here. If there is any other debug thing i can post, let me know.