splewis / get5

CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for competitive matches/scrims
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FR] Include these commands from pugsetup #745

Closed Renrael2022 closed 2 years ago

Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago

Here's the command from pugsetup -

sm_pugsetup_mutual_unpausing (default 1) - Whether an unpause command requires someone from both teams to fully unpause the match.

And here's a command i'd like to be implemented -

// Autoselects a team's !stay/!swap decision after winning knife round. // // Default: "0" get5_autoselect_knife_decision "1"

nickdnk commented 2 years ago


Sides already default to "!stay" if nobody makes a decision. What exactly do you suggest auto-selection should otherwise do?

Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago

Sides already default to "!stay" if nobody makes a decision. What exactly do you suggest auto-selection should otherwise do?

It would autoselect the decision of selecting a team, it only selects !stay. It would great if it selects !swap too.

nickdnk commented 2 years ago

Sides already default to "!stay" if nobody makes a decision. What exactly do you suggest auto-selection should otherwise do?

It would autoselect the decision of selecting a team, it only selects !stay. It would great if it selects !swap too.

Why? When would it select swap and when would it select stay? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago

If nobody makes decision to type !swap/!stay, there should be a 50/50, 50% !swap, 50% !stay. That's what the command is for. It autoswaps or autostays it for the team.

nickdnk commented 2 years ago

I don't see a reason to do that at all.

Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago


Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago

Are you going add this command then?


Renrael2022 commented 2 years ago

What about this command? https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2467665

splewis commented 2 years ago

I consider predictability very desirable here. As a player, I would expect defaulting to stay; randomly picking is not a great competitive choice, and get5 is targeted towards competitive play (while pugsetup is targeted towards casual/friendly games between friends).

I'm closing this since you've decided to be immature. This is an open source project powered by hundreds of hours of free labor. I'm sorry, but you're not owed anything, and I'm not going to bother helping those that troll.