splewis / get5

CS:GO Sourcemod plugin for competitive matches/scrims
GNU General Public License v3.0
558 stars 176 forks source link

[Nightly] SM Fails to load get5 #938

Closed FlowingSPDG closed 1 year ago

FlowingSPDG commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

Loads get5 correctly

Actual behavior

Get5 fails to get Gamerules

---- Host_NewGame ----
Switching filesystem to allow files loaded from disk (sv_pure_allow_loose_file_loads = 1)
Host_NewGame on map de_mirage
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Exception reported: GameRules not available. CS_GetTeamScore native disabled.
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Blaming: get5.smx
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM]   [0] CS_GetTeamScore
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM]   [1] Line 1861, get5/scripting/get5.sp::FormatCvarString
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM]   [2] Line 1062, get5/scripting/get5/stats.sp::DumpToFile
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM]   [3] Line 170, get5/scripting/get5/stats.sp::Stats_InitSeries
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM]   [4] Line 515, get5/scripting/get5.sp::OnPluginStart
L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Unable to load plugin "get5.smx": Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

Perhaps CS_GetTeamScore called before Game rule selected? It loads w/o any error if I execute sm plugins reload get5 .

Steps to reproduce

Global state: g_GameState = 0 (none) g_MatchID = g_RoundNumber = -1 g_MapsToWin = 1 g_LastVetoTeam = 0 g_MapPoolList (length 0) = g_MapsToPlay (length 0) = g_MapsLeftInVetoPool (length 0) = Defined map sides: g_MatchTitle = g_PlayersPerTeam = 5 g_CoachesPerTeam = 2 g_MinPlayersToReady = 1 g_MinSpectatorsToReady = 0 g_SkipVeto = 0 g_MatchSideType = 0 g_InScrimMode = 0 g_SeriesCanClinch = 1 g_HasKnifeRoundStarted = 0 g_MapChangePending = 0 g_PendingSideSwap = 0 g_DoingBackupRestoreNow = 0 g_ReadyTimeWaitingUsed = 0 g_PausingTeam = 3 g_PauseType = 0 g_LatestPauseDuration = 0 g_PendingSurrenderTeam = 3 Team info for team1 (0): g_TeamNames = g_TeamPlayers (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_SurrenderVotes = 0 g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TacticalPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TacticalPausesUsed = 0 g_TechnicalPausesUsed = 0 g_TeamGivenStopCommand = 0 g_TeamCoaches (length 0) = Team info for team2 (1): g_TeamNames = g_TeamPlayers (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_SurrenderVotes = 0 g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TacticalPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TacticalPausesUsed = 0 g_TechnicalPausesUsed = 0 g_TeamGivenStopCommand = 0 g_TeamCoaches (length 0) = Team info for spec (2): g_TeamNames = g_TeamPlayers (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_SurrenderVotes = 0 g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TacticalPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TacticalPausesUsed = 0 g_TechnicalPausesUsed = 0 g_TeamGivenStopCommand = 0 g_TeamCoaches (length 0) = Team info for none (3): g_TeamNames = g_TeamPlayers (length 0) = g_TeamTags = g_FormattedTeamNames = g_TeamFlags = g_TeamLogos = g_TeamMatchTexts = g_SurrenderVotes = 0 g_TeamSide = none (0) g_TeamSeriesScores = 0 g_TeamReadyOverride = 0 g_TeamStartingSide = 0 g_TacticalPauseTimeUsed = 0 g_TacticalPausesUsed = 0 g_TechnicalPausesUsed = 0 g_TeamGivenStopCommand = 0 g_TeamCoaches (length 0) =

Interesting cvars: get5_allow_technical_pause = 1 get5_autoload_config = get5_auto_ready_active_players = 0 get5_check_auths = 1 get5_fixed_pause_time = 0 get5_kick_when_no_match_loaded = 0 get5_live_cfg = get5/live.cfg get5_tech_pause_time = 0 get5_max_pause_time = 300 get5_max_pauses = 0 get5_max_tech_pauses = 0 get5_pause_on_veto = 0 get5_pausing_enabled = 1 get5_print_damage = 0 get5_print_damage_excess = 0 get5_damageprint_format = - [{KILL_TO}] ({DMG_TO} in {HITS_TO}) to [{KILL_FROM}] ({DMG_FROM} in {HITS_FROM}) from {NAME} ({HEALTH} HP) get5_reset_pauses_each_half = 1 get5_web_api_url = NULL CVAR get5_last_backup_file = mp_freezetime = 15 mp_halftime = 1 mp_halftime_duration = 15.0 mp_halftime_pausetimer = 0 mp_match_end_restart = 0 mp_maxrounds = 30 mp_overtime_enable = 0 mp_overtime_halftime_pausetimer = 0 mp_overtime_maxrounds = 6 mp_round_restart_delay = 7.0 mp_timelimit = 0 mp_warmup_pausetimer = 0 mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected = 60 sv_coaching_enabled = 0 tv_delay = 105 tv_enable = 0

Last log info from addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20221118.log: L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Unable to load plugin "get5.smx": Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs) L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] [4] Line 515, get5/scripting/get5.sp::OnPluginStart L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] [3] Line 170, get5/scripting/get5/stats.sp::Stats_InitSeries L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] [2] Line 1062, get5/scripting/get5/stats.sp::DumpToFile L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] [1] Line 1861, get5/scripting/get5.sp::FormatCvarString L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] [0] CS_GetTeamScore L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Call stack trace: L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Blaming: get5.smx L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: [SM] Exception reported: GameRules not available. CS_GetTeamScore native disabled. L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: Info (map "de_mirage") (file "/home/user/csgo-server/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20221118.log") L 11/18/2022 - 12:20:46: SourceMod error session started

sm plugins list: get5.smx: Get5 by splewis, nickdnk & PhlexPlexico: (0.12.0-4c83ac7, https://github.com/splewis/get5) funcommands.smx: Fun Commands by AlliedModders LLC: Fun Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) reservedslots.smx: Reserved Slots by AlliedModders LLC: Provides basic reserved slots (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) adminhelp.smx: Admin Help by AlliedModders LLC: Display command information (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) admin-flatfile.smx: Admin File Reader by AlliedModders LLC: Reads admin files (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basebans.smx: Basic Ban Commands by AlliedModders LLC: Basic Banning Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) funvotes.smx: Fun Votes by AlliedModders LLC: Fun Vote Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) adminmenu.smx: Admin Menu by AlliedModders LLC: Administration Menu (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basecommands.smx: Basic Commands by AlliedModders LLC: Basic Admin Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) nextmap.smx: Nextmap by AlliedModders LLC: Provides nextmap and sm_nextmap (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basechat.smx: Basic Chat by AlliedModders LLC: Basic Communication Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) clientprefs.smx: Client Preferences by AlliedModders LLC: Client preferences and settings menu (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basevotes.smx: Basic Votes by AlliedModders LLC: Basic Vote Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basecomm.smx: Basic Comm Control by AlliedModders LLC: Provides methods of controlling communication. (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) antiflood.smx: Anti-Flood by AlliedModders LLC: Protects against chat flooding (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) basetriggers.smx: Basic Info Triggers by AlliedModders LLC: Adds ff, timeleft, thetime, and others. (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) playercommands.smx: Player Commands by AlliedModders LLC: Misc. Player Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/) sounds.smx: Sound Commands by AlliedModders LLC: Sound Commands (, http://www.sourcemod.net/)

FlowingSPDG commented 1 year ago


nickdnk commented 1 year ago

Try this: https://github.com/splewis/get5/releases/tag/v0.12.0-e2a134b

FlowingSPDG commented 1 year ago
