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Trying to build dockerfile on raspberrypi, getting linux-arm-openssl-3.0.x/schema-engine.gz - 404 Not Found #188

Open guysoft opened 2 months ago

guysoft commented 2 months ago

Hey, Getting this and wondering if anyone else got this or has a way around it:


 > [base  8/12] RUN  npx prisma generate:                                           
#0 5.783 prisma:warn Prisma only officially supports Linux on amd64 (x86_64) and arm64 (aarch64) system architectures. If you are using your own custom Prisma engines, you can ignore this warning, as long as you've compiled the engines for your system architecture "aarch64".                                                                                                 
#0 9.481 Error: Failed to fetch the engine file at https://binaries.prisma.sh/all_commits/23fdc5965b1e05fc54e5f26ed3de66776b93de64/linux-arm-openssl-3.0.x/schema-engine.gz - 404 Not Found
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c PRISMA_ENGINES_CHECKSUM_IGNORE_MISSING=1 npx prisma generate" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
ChristopherJohnston commented 1 month ago

Is the raspberry pi operating system running aarch64? The prisma libs do not work in a 32-bit environment so check your OS and the base docker image

guysoft commented 1 month ago

It uses a aarch64 kernel in a 32bit userspace.

For now i pulled the pre-built aarch64


and setting

platform: linux/arm64

That works.

If i set to build it still does not work using the correct platform argument