splintermind / Dwarf-Therapist

Maintained branch of the original Dwarf Therapist for Dwarf Fortress.
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Add Dark Theme #258

Open tredontho opened 8 years ago

tredontho commented 8 years ago

Add a dark theme (possibly support for others if anyone cares) for the Dwarf Therapist UI.

Switching between Dwarf Fortress, which is overall darker, to Dwarf Therapist, which is overwhelmingly bright white, is rather jarring to the eye. In personal experience this is especially noticeable in Let's Plays of Dwarf Fortress.

OdellDotson commented 8 years ago

I'd really love to have this too.

I'm willing to make my own branch and start some work on this in about a month when my current projects finish up, if anyone else is interested?

ice-92 commented 8 years ago

Me three.

OdellDotson commented 8 years ago

Perhaps we can get a branch going to start development on this.

I have no idea how it works right now, but it would be really nice to get working on this project.

I'm out of my home country until January 12th but I will begin development stuff then, feel free to start without me I guess.

txtsd commented 8 years ago

Not sure how Qt applies themes on Windows, but on linux it uses the current GTK+ theme. It would take a LOT more effort to create a dark theme, than to just find a good GTK theme and apply it. Screenshot

RaffCode-Personal commented 8 years ago

I sadly can't help but I would like to see a dark theme as well. It was actually the first thing that came to mind when I was starting using DT.

maksym-gryb commented 8 years ago

I'm almost done with the dark theme, should be decently completed by tomorrow. I implemented it in a very simple and versatile way so that you can create a separate style-sheet (.qss) and put it into the resources/ folder and have it as the selected style-sheet on startup. I'll likely put a loadStyleSheetFromFile button that lets you designate the default style-sheet from your resources/ folder - where you would store your style-sheets. I'll also put a reloadStyleSheet button, so that you can reload the style-sheet, into Dwarf Therapist, after editing it(this is meant to be a convenience for designers; to see Dwarf Therapist change style without having to run Qt-Creator). I am going to eventually create some proper documentation for the different "style-sheet editable" sections of DT so that designers can simply refer to it and already know what/how to modify (no promises though :P ).

thefinn12345 commented 5 years ago

Did this ever happen? I can't find any documentation on it.

maksym-gryb commented 5 years ago


Though I was far more optimistic when I was actually working on this. At the time, because over the years there have been different ways for generating the different UI segments (within this code base), Qt didn't handle stylesheets very well. I don't know what it's like now.