splintermind / Dwarf-Therapist

Maintained branch of the original Dwarf Therapist for Dwarf Fortress.
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[DT37, 0.43.05 ini] Optimization inconsistent? #318

Open Tharn opened 7 years ago

Tharn commented 7 years ago

I created a plan that includes all jobs for all dwarves in varying ratios from 0,10 to 1,00. Max Jobs per Dwarf is 20, Percent Total Jobs is 30. This generates 924 jobs for my 160 residents.

Now where it gets weird: Sometimes, after I changed something by hand or after migrants arrive, I may select all dwarves and click 'optimize'. Now the skill list should be stable with the exception of one or two jobs (or one or two dwarves that haven't yet been optimized), however the command makes sweeping changes to a certain range of dwarves. Attached is a screenshot with what happens. If I tweak the Percentage or Max Jobs, it will do this to a varying degree. With Haulers set to 100 percent, what I'd like to see instead is that hauling remains enabled for these dwarves, and for DT not to go 'crazy' assigning these labors. Especially 'cause the dwarves aren't particularly suited for them. I don't know what logic makes this happen.

In the picture you see the former optimize pass that messed with the dwarves that start with the letter D & E, and the new optimize pass that is doing the same to the dwarves starting with I instead.


Maybe it's trying to fill a required ratio with unskilled workers that are all about equally bad? Why's it turning off hauling at all?