splitbrain / dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz

Create Graphviz graphs from within DokuWiki
12 stars 15 forks source link

wiki links support #2

Open glensc opened 14 years ago

glensc commented 14 years ago

would be nice to have imagemap support in images, like similiar trac plugin has:


  digraph G {
    rankdir = "LR"
    GraphvizPlugin [ URL=GraphvizPlugin ]
    Trac [ 
    GraphvizPlugin -> Trac

idea is simple: you run graphviz with -Tcmap and include that in output

see the logic somewhere here: http://trac-hacks.org/browser/graphvizplugin/0.11/graphviz/graphviz.py?rev=5995#L321

$ cat *.map
<area shape="rect" href="GraphvizPlugin" title="GraphvizPlugin" alt="" coords="7,6,159,54">
<area shape="rect" href="http://trac.edgewall.org/" title="Trac" alt="" coords="208,6,280,54">

and output html:

<map name="G3acf9129314733d74676902e3ed6c4ceec1d2c92" id="G3acf9129314733d74676902e3ed6c4ceec1d2c92">
<area shape="rect" href="GraphvizPlugin" title="GraphvizPlugin" alt="" coords="7,6,159,54">
<area shape="rect" href="http://trac.edgewall.org/" title="Trac" alt="" coords="208,6,280,54"></map>

<img src="3acf9129314733d74676902e3ed6c4ceec1d2c92.dot.png" alt="GraphViz image" usemap="#G3acf9129314733d74676902e3ed6c4ceec1d2c92"/>
MichaelKling commented 13 years ago

I wanted to have that future too but it looked like nobody took care about that issue in one year and i wanted to have it now :D

So i decided to modify the module a little bit. Its working fine but you have to put in total pathes, wiki links like [[wiki:testtest]] are not resolved and therewore dont work.

For patching the actual version from 2010-11-24 do this:

In the class syntax_plugin_graphviz in file syntax.php add the following 2 methods:

     * Run the graphviz program to generate the map
     * @Author: Michael Kling
    function _map($data,$in,$out) {
        global $conf;

                dbglog($in,'no such graphviz input file');
            return false;

        $cmd  = $this->getConf('path');
        $cmd .= ' -Tcmap';
        $cmd .= ' -K'.$data['layout'];
        $cmd .= ' -o'.escapeshellarg($out); //output
        $cmd .= ' '.escapeshellarg($in); //input

        $result = exec($cmd, $output, $error);

        if ($error != 0){
                dbglog(join("\n",$output),'graphviz command failed: '.$cmd);
            return false;

        return true;


     * Return path to the rendered map on our local system
     * @Todo: Doesnt resize the map in case the image was resized
     * @Todo: Remotehandling on google isnt realized
     * @Author: Michael Kling
    function _mapfile($data){

        $cache  = $this->_cachename($data,'map');

        // create the file if needed
            $in = $this->_cachename($data,'txt');
                $ok = $this->_map($data,$in,$cache);
                //Dont handle it remote at google cause i dont know how to do
            if(!$ok) return false;

        // something went wrong, we're missing the file
        if(!file_exists($cache)) return false;

        return $cache;

In the class syntax_plugin_graphviz in file syntax.php the method render has to be changed like this:

     * Create output
     * Edited by Michael Kling for the MAP patch.
     * @todo ODT format doesnt support maps
    function render($format, &$R, $data) {
        if($format == 'xhtml'){
            $img = DOKU_BASE.'lib/plugins/graphviz/img.php?'.buildURLparams($data);
            $mapcache  = $this->_mapfile($data);
            $map = io_readFile($mapcache,false);
            if ($mapcache !== false) {
              $R->doc .= '<map name="'.$data['md5'].'" id="'.$data['md5'].'">'.$map.'</map>'; 
            $R->doc .= '<img src="'.$img.'" class="media'.$data['align'].'" alt=""';
            if($data['width'])  $R->doc .= ' width="'.$data['width'].'"';
            if($data['height']) $R->doc .= ' height="'.$data['height'].'"';
            if($data['align'] == 'right') $R->doc .= ' align="right"';
            if($data['align'] == 'left')  $R->doc .= ' align="left"';
        if($mapcache !== false)  $R->doc .= ' usemap="#'.$data['md5'].'"';
            $R->doc .= '/>';
            return true;
        }elseif($format == 'odt'){
            $src = $this->_imgfile($data);
            return true;
        return false;

Edit: Left some print_r's inside :P

MichaelKling commented 13 years ago

I implemented it in my repo and made a pull request in #5