splitbrain / dokuwiki-plugin-smtp

Send DokuWiki mails via a configured SMTP server
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Could not open SMTP Port. #52

Closed frispa closed 6 months ago

frispa commented 1 year ago

When I try to send email using my Gmail account I get this error message: There was an unexpected problem communicating with SMTP: Could not open SMTP Port. This is the message from the SMTP log: Set: the server Set: the auth Set: a message will be sent Connecting to smtp.gmail.com at 587

I use these settings: SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com Port: 587 Encryption: SSL

Does it has something to do with the "Less secure app access" that has been disabled by Google?

Please help.

frispa commented 1 year ago

I have installed the plugin Swiftmailer now and this plugin works and sends email from my Gmail account🤷🏻‍♂️. Why isn't this working for this newer SMTP plugin? BTW, I now get this error, but is doesn't affect the working of the plugin: Error loading plugin swiftmail ParseError: syntax error, unexpected token "new" More info is available in the error log.

Michaelsy commented 1 year ago

I get this error message: There was an unexpected problem communicating with SMTP: Could not open SMTP Port.

I got the same error message when trying to send emails via the SMTP server of IONOS/1&1 (Germany).

I was able to solve the problem by making the following changes to the SMTP plugin settings:

Port 587 => 465 TLS => SSL

Other settings/combinations did not work.

Strangely enough, I did not have to make any changes to other e-mail programmes (e.g. Thunderbird), although the settings there correspond to what does not work with the SMTP plugin.

(Apparently, this problem is related to technical changes regarding the encryption methods which, according to an announcement by IONOS, will be carried out these days.)

- Michael Sy.

splitbrain commented 6 months ago

Nothing to do here. You need to use the correct port with the correct encryption.