Thanks for this plugin which is really useful and works well.
I have just an alert the first time it runs :
Failed to fetch remote file list. transport error - Timeout while reading headers (15.174s)
but works fine after a reload.
I assume that it is probably a server side issue and as the wiki is on a shared hosting, I don't have so much details.
Just to know if someone has an idea.
I had to change the local PHP config and since sync plugin works with no more alerts. For infos, on Ubuntu 14.04 with Apache in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini , I change the default values for :
post_max_size = 80m
upload_max_filesize = 100m
memory_limit = 2000M
to adapt to your needs & config and restart web service
Thanks for this plugin which is really useful and works well.
I have just an alert the first time it runs :
Failed to fetch remote file list. transport error - Timeout while reading headers (15.174s)
but works fine after a reload. I assume that it is probably a server side issue and as the wiki is on a shared hosting, I don't have so much details. Just to know if someone has an idea.