splitgraph / seafowl

Analytical database for data-driven Web applications 🪶
Apache License 2.0
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Use tokio-graceful-shutdown for SIGINT / SIGTERM #513

Closed mildbyte closed 2 months ago

mildbyte commented 2 months ago

This simplifies shutdown handling and means that if a subsystem fails to start (panics), Seafowl exits.

Tested manually (set flight port to an already-used one):

2024-04-11T12:26:00.638088Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) seafowl: Starting Seafowl 0.5.5
2024-04-11T12:26:00.638236Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) seafowl: Loading the configuration from seafowl.toml
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658400Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(19) seafowl: Starting the Arrow Flight frontend on
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658437Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(15) seafowl: Starting the PostgreSQL frontend on
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658486Z  WARN tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(15) seafowl: The PostgreSQL frontend doesn't have authentication or encryption and should only be used in development!
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658480Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(20) seafowl: Starting the HTTP frontend on
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658540Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(20) seafowl: HTTP access settings: read any, write off
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at [...]seafowl/src/frontend/flight/mod.rs:43:10:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: tonic::transport::Error(Transport, hyper::Error(Listen, Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address already in use" }))
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658851Z ERROR tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(19) tokio_graceful_shutdown::toplevel: Uncaught panic from subsytem '/Arrow Flight frontend'.
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658944Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(20) seafowl::frontend::http: Shutting down Warp...
2024-04-11T12:26:00.658950Z  INFO                 main ThreadId(01) tokio_graceful_shutdown::toplevel: Shutting down ...
2024-04-11T12:26:00.660439Z  WARN                 main ThreadId(01) tokio_graceful_shutdown::toplevel: Shutdown finished with errors.
thread 'main' panicked at src/main.rs:255:12:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: SubsystemsFailed([Panicked("/Arrow Flight frontend")])

normal shutdown:

2024-04-11T12:41:52.156355Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) seafowl: Starting Seafowl 0.5.5
2024-04-11T12:41:52.156622Z  INFO main ThreadId(01) seafowl: Loading the configuration from seafowl.toml
2024-04-11T12:41:52.183805Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(21) seafowl: Starting the Arrow Flight frontend on
2024-04-11T12:41:52.183844Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(19) seafowl: Starting the PostgreSQL frontend on
2024-04-11T12:41:52.183895Z  WARN tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(19) seafowl: The PostgreSQL frontend doesn't have authentication or encryption and should only be used in development!
2024-04-11T12:41:52.183924Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(15) seafowl: Starting the HTTP frontend on
2024-04-11T12:41:52.183986Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(15) seafowl: HTTP access settings: read any, write off


2024-04-11T12:41:53.264914Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(04) seafowl::frontend::flight: Shutting down Flight frontend...
2024-04-11T12:41:53.264981Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker ThreadId(15) seafowl::frontend::http: Shutting down Warp...
2024-04-11T12:41:53.265353Z  INFO                 main ThreadId(01) tokio_graceful_shutdown::toplevel: Shutting down ...
2024-04-11T12:41:53.269040Z  INFO                 main ThreadId(01) tokio_graceful_shutdown::toplevel: Shutdown finished.
2024-04-11T12:41:53.269133Z  INFO                 main ThreadId(01) seafowl: Exiting cleanly.