splittingred / TinyMCE

TinyMCE integration for MODx Revolution.
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When clicked Insert/Edit link opens pop-up with homepage #86

Closed DSkyline closed 12 years ago

DSkyline commented 12 years ago


First of all, sorry if I'm bothering you for something that has already been solved but i couldn't find solution for this.

I wasn't sure should i post this issue here but after trying all the solutions that those people with changing permissions and editing .js files had, and none of them worked for me, i decided to look for the help here. I installed the Modx Revolution 2.2.1 version and TinyMCE Editor 4.3.2-pl . When i try to insert the link in Editor and click the Insert/Edit link button, it opens pop-up window (as it should) but with the Homepage of my site. Inserting Files and Media works fine but inserting links fails. In the address bar of the pop-up window stands:

/assets/components/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/modxlink/link.php?v=221pl but it shows the homepage and i can't insert the link. What could be the problem?
DSkyline commented 12 years ago

Well after i couldn't find out why this was happening, i deleted the entire site, installed Modx Revo again, installed TinyMCE and now it works, so it was probably something something i fu**ed up. Closing this.