splitwise / TokenAutoComplete

Gmail style MultiAutoCompleteTextView for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Custom Token Click Behavior #350

Closed spung closed 5 years ago

spung commented 6 years ago

Please open an issue if you need some behavior beyond this with your code! It's relatively easy to add custom click handling, but I'm not convinced anyone would need anything beyond the ones I've provided.

What did you have in mind for adding custom click handling? I'd like to launch a new activity when a user taps on a token. I was hoping it'd be as easy as adding a click listener for the view inflated in getViewForObject()

mgod commented 6 years ago

I'd be changing the code to add either an interface or an overridable method you could use to inject your own click handling. The View for the token is pretty misleading - the tokens displayed only use the View object to create a template for what should be displayed visually.

Can you talk to me a little more about your use-case?

spung commented 6 years ago

At a high level, working on a feature where a user can tap on a token to launch a detail screen around that token.

I went ahead with an implementation that adds an extra TokenClickStyle type which allows the user to specify a click listener when they create their TokenCompleteTextView. Let me know what you think: https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete/pull/353

mgod commented 6 years ago

I'm pretty hesitant to use the onClick for the view. Right now, it is possible to put your own click implementation in place without any changes - subclass TokenImageSpan and override the onClick in your subclass, then override the buildSpanForObject method:

protected TokenImageSpan buildSpanForObject(T obj) {
        if (obj == null) {
            return null;
        View tokenView = getViewForObject(obj);
        return new ClickableTokenImageSpan(tokenView, obj, (int) maxTextWidth());

Mostly I'm concerned about adding the PR you put together because I do not use a reasonable View hierarchy in the project and I deal with a lot of people being confused that their view methods do not get called when they expect them to. I think adding more behavior tied directly to the view will only make this happen more frequently.

mgod commented 5 years ago

@spung I'm still looking over this kind of change and I'm curious if you ever got your custom click behavior working. From looking over the code, I can't see how you would be locating the token in order to put the detail screen. Did you ever solve this part of the problem?

emitchel commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete/pull/369 solves the selecting listener and double selecting listener as well.

This maintains the decoupledness of TokenCompleteTextView