splix / grails-spring-security-facebook

Facebook Authentication plugin for Grails
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Does this work with Grails 2.3.* ? #72

Open ask10000 opened 9 years ago

ask10000 commented 9 years ago

Hello Splix, Thanks for taking the effort for this plugin. I was on Grails 2.4.1 but had to go multi-tenant route. Since multi-tenant doesn't work on 2.4, need to go to 2.3. So question is does this plugin work with 2.3 now? Minimum requirements listed says 2.4 and above. Could you please let me know?

splix commented 9 years ago

Hi! I don't know, never tried with 2.3. I guess it should work, could you please try?

bluesliverx commented 9 years ago

I used the plugin inplace and changed the requirement to grails 2.3, and it works fine as far as I can tell.

The only thing that doesn't seem to work is this warning as it starts, but that may exist in 2.4 as well, not sure.

WARN: No such property: log for class: SpringSecurityFacebookGrailsPlugin
WARN: Running from a unit test?
WARN: Introducing a log property for plugin

So can you change the version required and re-release?

bernji commented 8 years ago

Same here on 2.4.4.

splix commented 8 years ago

There is something in plugin script, logger is not properly propagated to the plugin setup script (not plugin itself). Or maybe I'm using it incorrectly here, I'll take a look.

But don't worry, I shouldn't affect your app

bernji commented 8 years ago

yes. I have not experienced and issues. Was just confused. Are you planing to release newer version of the plugin for grails 2.x or are you rust releasing für grails 3.x now?

splix commented 8 years ago

it looks pretty good at this moment, so grails 2.x version will get only bugfixes I think