splondike / polipoid

Android wrapper for the polipo proxy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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user defined config files #4

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

There is plenty to configure and until there is a GUI for everything it would be good if users could simply provide their configuration files (including extras such as forbidden and forbiddenTunnels etc..). Reading those from a fixed location on sd-card is the easiest solution, though a bit unsafe.

So the ideal solution would be when the user hits a button "load config files" polipoid would ask the user for a directory name (perhaps using an external file manager as described here: http://www.openintents.org/en/node/357) and copy the files in the directory into its config directory.

splondike commented 10 years ago

Choosing a config file via an intent is a good idea. I was planning to eventually add a GUI configuration interface to the application, but this will cover use cases like you mentioned in the interim.

An Intent like ACTION_GET_CONTENT seems to be the one to use (tutorial here).

ghost commented 10 years ago

I have seen an actual example how to pick a directory using the OI filemanager that is in f-droid but need to search for it.

splondike commented 10 years ago

I've created an upload settings file interface. It seems to work with most (but not all) of the free file managers in the android store. My preferred one is the 'File Explorer' app, but OI works too.

If you're able to build this on your machines, does it look like it does the job?

This comment corresponds to 5bff26d19e518d601dae27bb153bb8938d548a10

ghost commented 10 years ago

Building currently does not work for me as I am using API=10 for 2.3.3 and apparently there are some dependencies from higher APIs. Afairc it is complaining about missing Theme.Holo.Light

splondike commented 10 years ago

I presume you're trying to build using Eclipse. I think I remember getting that same error a while ago while building in that environment. I think it was the result of some Eclipse screw up (so the clean, refresh, close, repeat dance probably fixed it). Does it work if you build using 'mvn package' on the command line?

ghost commented 10 years ago

I am using naked commandline. Maven complains about something else and I don't think it would fix it.

Holo is available only since API 11 while I need 10?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Looked closer, mvn is complaining about a missing artifact com.android.support:support-v4:jar:18.0.0

Do I have the wrong version of sdk?

splondike commented 10 years ago

You need to install the android support repository, and make sure you have the ANDROID_HOME environment set up correctly. See README.md#Setup Maven

ghost commented 10 years ago

Just a quick note that I have finally managed to build it, will start testing later this weekend.

splondike commented 9 years ago

This should be included as part of the 1.1.0 version available on f-droid.