splor-mg / dados-totais-armazem-siafi

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não atualização da pasta `data` após o `update` #21

Closed hslinhares closed 3 months ago

hslinhares commented 4 months ago

@fjuniorr após o último update a pasta data não alterou, dando erro no make check no repositório armazem-siafi-dados. Houve alteração no arquivo em data-raw.

fjuniorr commented 4 months ago

A atualização não aconteceu porque no Makefile, mesmo depois de https://github.com/splor-mg/armazem-siafi-totais-dados/commit/f7ddf4126bf96a4c82b40b4c801adbaa10baf001, ainda estavamos usando o executavel python. Isso gerou o erro make: python: No such file or directory no log do Github actions mas estranhamente não paralizou a execução.

A solução finalizada em 945f145deed5f51c91fa2e2c4ef86fc1acc5c30f foi configurar um alias no Dockerfile com RUN echo 'alias python=python3' >> /etc/bash.bashrc.

De acordo com o chatGPT o bashrc:

The bashrc file is a configuration file used by the Bash shell, which is the default shell for most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. The purpose of the bashrc file is to customize and configure the behavior of the Bash shell for individual users. When a user starts a new terminal session, the commands and settings in the bashrc file are executed, allowing users to define aliases, set environment variables, and customize the shell prompt, among other things.

Here's a brief overview of some related files and their roles:

  1. .bash_profile:
    • This file is similar to bashrc but is specifically meant for login shells. A login shell is what you encounter when you log in to a system, either locally or remotely. It's worth noting that when a login shell is started, it reads ~/.bash_profile but not ~/.bashrc. Many users source the ~/.bashrc file from ~/.bash_profile to ensure that both sets of configurations are applied.
  2. .profile:
    • This is a generic profile configuration file that is read by various shells, not just Bash. It's often used on systems that may have different default shells for users. If no specific shell profile files are found (like ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc), the system may fall back to reading ~/.profile.
  3. /etc/profile:
    • This file is a system-wide configuration file that sets environment variables and applies settings for all users. Changes made to this file affect all users on the system. It's similar in purpose to ~/.profile but has a broader scope.
  4. /etc/bashrc:
    • On some systems, there is a system-wide bashrc file located in the /etc directory. This file contains global configurations that are applied to all users by default. Individual users' bashrc files can override or supplement these settings.
  5. /etc/bash.bashrc:
    • Similar to /etc/bashrc, this file is often used on Debian-based systems. It's a system-wide bashrc file that provides default settings for all users.

In summary, while bashrc is specific to each user and is primarily used for configuring the Bash shell, there are other files like bash_profile, .profile, /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, and /etc/bash.bashrc that play roles in customizing the shell environment, either at the user level or system-wide. The choice of which file to use depends on the specific requirements and conventions of the system in use.

hslinhares commented 3 months ago

resolução em https://github.com/splor-mg/armazem-siafi-dados/commit/fbdaaf7ad77ddada9714ee89720b48dae75f0cfd