splummer / SRA

SRA - Squirrel Registration Authority - A convention registration system primarily aimed at gaming conventions.
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Templating Engine #5

Open tchalvak opened 11 years ago

tchalvak commented 11 years ago

So, I've worked with the codeigniter views in SRA, and I want to put this concept out there of the potential for moving to a full blown templating engine.

This would really clean up the html/css/js and enable them to be truly separate from the php, which I really find to be useful when dealing with html/css/js. It's a bit of a work addition considering that the views already exist within the MVC, but it really cleans up when dealing with the html/js/css.

Smarty is alright for this, though I really like the cleaner (more modern?) syntax of Mustache/mustache.php, but really any templating engine would be awesome.

Whatever engine, I could set this up, and give a branch that involves this and make a pull request for review, and such.


ryankinal commented 11 years ago

Having not actually played with CI yet, I can't really weigh in on this one. But I've read it, and in general, I'm a fan of templating engines.