splunk / contentctl

Splunk Content Control Tool
Apache License 2.0
91 stars 23 forks source link

Documentation Request #148

Open martinconnarty opened 5 months ago

martinconnarty commented 5 months ago

I am new to using ContentCTL, and other than what is in the Readme, I've been unable to find any more documentation to help.

For example, how do I configure the contentctl.yml file, what are the permitted options?

Another example: How would I configure contentctl to push individual detections to a Cloud Splunk server via the deploy_api option. I'm not sure if that would require an app to already be on there, or if it's even possible. Looking at the readme doesn't help here:

"Deploy via API - Using the REST API, individual pieces of content are deployed to a running server. This is a great way to deploy all of the content in a content pack, but can also be used to deploy individual peices of content."

Unfortunately this doesn't go into any depth of how I might be able to do this.

Perhaps I'm missing something, if there is some documentation would someone mind pointing me to it?

As a side point - I want to join the Slack Channel to ask these questions, but it seems to be limited to certain companies?

yaroslav-nakonechnikov commented 5 months ago

and how to create new deployments? if we need to set different schedules, but built-in is not enough?