splunk / docker-itmonitoring

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Changing Splunk #21

Open avgKol opened 6 years ago

avgKol commented 6 years ago

I am new to Splunk and trying to set up K8S forwarding with Splunk. I was successful in forwarding K8S logs from my DEV K8S to Splunk by installing ta-k8s-logs in K8S. However I would now like to forward K8S logs from QA K8S environment to the same Splunk server (since we do not have more licenses). Is there a way to delete the existing data/tables in Splunk and start pushing the logs from QA ?

matthewmodestino commented 6 years ago

Hi there!

you can clean out your indexes in splunk by using the ./splunk clean command.


Check out ./splunk help clean from the cli for more info on the flags available, or you can simply delete the indexes from the GUI then re-add them.

An example might be:

./splunk clean eventdata -index k8s

Be advised this will delete all data in the index and cannot be undone.