splunk / docker-splunk

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create-default does not work because the six module is not found. #642

Open chattytak opened 5 months ago

chattytak commented 5 months ago

As the title says, it does not work well.

$ docker run --rm -it splunk/splunk:latest create-defaults
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/createdefaults.py", line 16, in <module>
    import six
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'six'
adityapinglesf commented 4 months ago

can you give some more context over here?

what machine are you using to run the above command. There are some reported issues with docker-splunk and Mac M1/M2 machines.

I am using a Mac Intel machine and I was able to successfully create the defaults for the following images:

docker run --rm -it splunk/splunk:latest create-defaults
docker run --rm -it splunk/splunk:9.2.0 create-defaults
docker run --rm -it splunk/splunk:9.1.3 create-defaults