splunk / splunk-aws-project-trumpet

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Lambda software packages need updates #56

Open hkahrs opened 1 year ago

hkahrs commented 1 year ago

We have successfully deployed Project Trumpet within our AWS GovCloud environment, and recently we updated to Inspector v2 and started scanning our Lambda functions for vulnerabilities. Inspector v2 discovered 5 Critical vulnerabilities for the following software packages:

aws:cloudformation:logical-id: ConfigurationRecorderSanitiser Affected packages CVE-2019-10744 - lodash Name: lodash Installed version / Fixed version: 4.17.5 / 4.17.12 Package manager: NODEPKG File paths: node_modules/lodash/package.json

CVE-2020-28472 - aws-sdk Name: aws-sdk Installed version / Fixed version: 2.211.0 / 2.814.0 Package manager: NODEPKG File paths: node_modules/aws-sdk/package.json

aws:cloudformation:logical-id: BackingLambdaConfigLogProcessor Affected packages CVE-2021-3918 - json-schema Name: json-schema Installed version / Fixed version: 0.2.3 / 0.4.0 Package manager: NODEPKG File paths: node_modules/json-schema/package.json

CVE-2018-16492 - extend Name: extend Installed version / Fixed version: 3.0.1 / 3.0.2 Package manager: NODEPKG File paths: node_modules/extend/package.json

CVE-2018-1000620 - cryptiles Name: cryptiles Installed version / Fixed version: 3.1.2 / 4.1.2 Package manager: NODEPKG File paths: node_modules/cryptiles/package.json

We need assistance updating these packages to the updated versions to remediate these vulnerabilities.